whats the rarest fish youve ever caught?

coelacanth.... i got an arowana BUT THE GAME *censored.3.0*ING FROZE *censored.3.0* *censored.3.0* *censored.3.0*
Shark, dorado, napoleonfish, arapaima, arowana, hammerhead shark and blue marlin.
Just a few that aren't really that rare.
-Barred Knifejaw (says it rare but I've caught loads)
-Giant Snakehead
-Popeyed goldfish

Last few I've seen loads of so I don't think they are rare like the page on wiki says.
x3samx3 said:
Just a few that aren't really that rare.
-Barred Knifejaw (says it rare but I've caught loads)
-Giant Snakehead
-Popeyed goldfish

Last few I've seen loads of so I don't think they are rare like the page on wiki says.
ive never caught a Popeye goldfish before.