What's this I see?

I'm not sure why Nintendo would put what's considered hacked items in an advertising video on the internet...
Kid Icarus said:
The pots are also there
Yes. And that could be true Conor, I think I'm going to hit them with an e-mail.
Pikmin being classed as hacked on here is making me angy! >_<
if the pikmin pot was in acww without hacks, why would it be hacked for city folk? i dont get it.
thekillingdog said:
rafren said:
that pikmin is a hack??? I thought it was a DLC
The Pikmin hat is a DLC, the Pikmin pot is a hack.
It's not a hacked item, the only way to get it is by hacking. It's an unobtainable item, 99.9% legit until Nintendo makes a way to get it though the internet.

Actually, that could be very likely... NOA sent America 1000 bells in the mail, if they can send items in game they should spend time sending out items that are extremely rare ir cannot be obtained, for example, Lost kitten items and pikmin.
It was an item that was going to be added to the game, possibly as a future DLC. Same with the Blue Falcon. But it never was. The only way to obtain it is to hack. Although it isnt an actual hacked item like the crayons or lightsabers, it is still a hacked item.
No.... They are. Nintendo did add them to the game, but havent added a way to get them yet. They were supposed to be future DLC... The only way to obtain is to hack
Someone gave me a Pikmin pot in my last town, does that mean I won't be able to recieve it as a DLC even though I deleted that town?