What's your current obsession?

Gilmore Girls. I'm on a Gilmore Girls marathon, and I just can't stop watching it. It's probably because I miss my boyfriend and want time to go by faster, so I'm spending all my extra time being glued to a screen.
peach milkshakes from chick fil a
baja blast from Taco Bell

I'm gonna cry when they remove these :C
I just caught up on Orange and WOW the most touching shoujo manga I've read so far.
Columbo. Columbo is all I care about anymore. lmao I don't know what I'll do when I get through all of them. (Though I'm still hoarding some episodes of Star Trek TOS I haven't seen yet)
This certain cartoon is the only reason I turn on the television anymore.

Also the only reason why I ate a box of Peanut M&M's yesterday...
I've been obsessed with Doctor Who ever since I started watching it a year ago.

Oh, and maybe Star Trek: The Original Series as well. Just started it.
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