ive been using this background for a long time on both my laptop and desktop, and i still love it. the character is mirai kuriyama from beyond the boundary
I guess i should've added in the wallpaper i have on my second monitor too, i think it goes well with the main one:
in case anyone was wondering why mine are animated, its because the wallpapers are made using a software called wallpaper engine, its a neat tool and it's only 5 bucks on steam. if you use your computer a lot or for your work i'd recommend it if you want something different to look at. you can even get wallpapers that have background music which is super cool
Black Hat from Latin America Cartoon Network's Villainous. It was art that they tweeted out when promoting their pilot back in 2019.
Thought it would make a sweet desktop wallpaper, and it certainly does.
I don’t really use desktops anymore as I’m not really a fan of them these days, but I do have a tablet and laptop. This is my current lock screen picture on my tablet which was drawn by someone that someone close to me knows.
Here’s my current home screen picture on my tablet which is MHA-themed as well, lol.
I’ve had this as my background for a few years. It’s a cover art for the song Young Hearts by BUNT. and created by Mart Biemans. I used to love this illustration very much, along with the vector version.
can't post it bc friends and family faces but every year I make a collage out of photos I took over the previous year! this year's one is looking a little bare because you know.. lockdown but I always think it's sweet to look back on what I do have from the last year
I have a Mac and right now it is the dynamic Catalina wallpaper. Kind of basic since its a default wallpaper, but I really like the fact that it changes based on the time of day, its very calming.