whats your desktop wallpaper?

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Get ready for peak originality.

I don't know why, I just love the MacBook defaults. 😗

Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 7.28.48 PM.png

Here's mine! I've used this bg since I got my laptop back in 2018. I've completely forgotten where I got it, but I like repeating backgrounds on my laptops/desktops, and I also like cute food art. :]
I have a rotating selection, I get excited to see which one it’ll be. I’m a big horror fan, anyone who isn’t probably doesn’t want to open my laptop without me checking the background first 😅 I’ll share a tame one.


It is the loading screen from Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.

I had to shrink it to get the forum to allow me to upload it. The original is much higher quality.
These ones are my desktop and lock screen on my personal computer

And these are the ones are on my school laptop, because why not.
I use Wallpaper Engine and have 3 monitors. Two wallpapers are of the best girl in all of anime and the other is of the best girl in all of gaming.



my mac book will forever have one of those special dynamic wallpapers but now that I have a PC I downloaded wallpaper engine and change it frequently. currently its jinx from arcane 😔🤘and is animated

I recently changed my laptop background after like 5 years. It used to be a screenshot from the sims 4, but I no longer play that game and finally got around to changing it. Now its a photo of Holde and Heide Goebbels picking berries.
Holde and Heide.png
12-30-17_1-52-32 PM.png
I changed my desktop bg recently, I really like this old 80s arcade carpet aesthetic plus I generally like darker backgrounds (easier on my overly sensitive eyes lol)
computer bg.PNG

as an added bonus, here's my current phone bg. again it's nice and dark, and has a cool ~aesthetic~ appeal ^__^
I alternate between these 3. I love the Animal Crossing Plaza one alot but I think the Keroppi is my favorite. THE PIKMIN IS GREAT AS WELL FRIENDS.
I used to change my desktop wallpaper all the time to usually nature things or fanart of some of my favorite animal crossing villagers now I keep my desktop wallpaper as the default windows one for two reasons:
1: My laptop is 12 years old and is laggy with low performance so I try and do everything I can to not give it a hard time, the beautiful HD wallpapers are too much for it to handle unfortunately.
2: It's annoying when my family randomly looks at my screen and wonders what I'm doing when I'm doing the same things I do on the internet everyday and they already know that but their annoying and ask anyways, if it's blank then they can't judge because I'm doing nothing apparently
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