What's your favorite candy?

What's your favorite (american) chocolate candy?

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3 Muskteers would have to be my favourite candy bar. I love the taste as it melts in my mouth as soon as I take the first bite! ^-^
Tootsie rolls!^-^ They taste really good.:) Only downside is they practically pull out your teeth...Yeah,that's a bummer...
I voted Kit Kat. But then, I realized there is also Fererro Rocher. Duh, probably forgot because it's been a while I haven't eaten some.
All candy is my favorite candy, but my personal favorite would have to be Reese's Cups.
my favorite is reese's peanut butter cups. i probably could devour a bag in one sitting (and get a bellyache of course lol)
Twix, Kit-kats and Snikers are American candy? I thought they were British o_O

I voted Twix though. I very rarely eat candy but from the list, that's likely what I would pick up. I don't think I've even think the others are available in my country (though I've heard of them).
I'd maybe say M&M's (specifically the peanut butter ones), but I'm also a huge fan of Coffee Crisp.
Peanut M&M's are my actual, physical weakness.
Why isn't there a Take 5 option...? So sad it's not up there. I guess Hershey bar would get my vote. I wonder why Reese's are so popular because I think they taste a little strange but everyone is different after all. But honestly Take 5 is the best chocolate bar.
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