What's Your Favorite Flavor of Gum?

Best Gum Flavor?

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i voted for both fruity and i don't like gum. the only gum flavor i really like is fruity, but i have to be in the mood for it, and that mood is very rare. chewing gum hurts my jaws
I like the cotton candy flavour from Hubba Bubba. It's my childhood favourite actually, and having it in tape form made me go crazy due to a large amount I can possibly chew in one bite.
I'll take almost any flavored gum, but I don't really like mint because you can't have any drinks if you chew it. anyone whos ever chewed mint gum and drank a cold beverage should know what I mean, so my favorite gum is fruity.

I tried cinnamon gum, too and liked that, just not as much as fruity. :)
If your favorite flavor of gum in cinnamon you need to reevaluate your life choices
Usually Spearmint, but watermelon gum can be really good if I'm in the mood for it.
i'll take any minty gum at all. im okay with the rest, depending on the specific flavour (i think im only okay with q couple of fruity flavours)