My favorite show (and one I'd recommend) is Twin Peaks
It's considered one of the most important TV shows, as it was really the first TV show to be shot with cinema-grade camera angles. It's made by David Lynch, the same guy who has directed many critically acclaimed films, such as Blue Velvet, the Elephant Man, and Eraserhead. If you like mystery and surrealism, definitely check it out.
Another completely different show I really think more people should watch it Freaks and Geeks. It's one of the few realistic (and actually funny) High School dramas. The situations are usually laid back, but it can get surprisingly serious sometimes. The young actors do a really great job, and the humor is really Judd Apatow-ish (he did produce it after all). Also, you'll get to see some now famous actors in some of their earliest roles, such as James Franco, Seth Rogen, and Linda Cardelini, among others.
I came on here for show inspiration haha. My all-time favourite show is Dead Like Me. My favourite older/British show is probably Fawlty Towers. Favourite drama/thriller is probably Firefly (I liked Stranger Things, but I never felt compelled to binge watch it for some reason). Favourite comedy would be a tie between The Office and the early parts of Brooklyn Nine Nine. Call out also to Dharma & Greg which no one knows - mediocre TV but really enjoyable and feel-good.
Avatar the Last Airbender. There will never be anything better in my eyes. It's just such a perfect mix of drama, action, comedy, lore, world building... Ugh I love this show so much. Korra was great too, not better but still amazing.
My favorite show has got to be Danny Phantom. I've been a big fan of it for ages, and it always winds up popping back into my life every time I depart from it for a few months. I know technically it's nothing special (it's a superhero parody show, I mean, there's nothing original about it based on that premise alone) but it's got my favorite tropes: the paranormal, awkward nerdy guy as the protagonist, some relationship troubles and gripping plots and the like... And it being episodic is a pretty cool plus, too, since you can pick it up from any episode and not miss a thing. Avatar: The Last Airbender is pretty good too, but since that one is not especially episodic it can be difficult to get into if you're new to the show.