What's Your Favorite Thing About Autumn?

The changing of the leaves and everything pumpkin! Maybe even apple cider. Just love that stuff, especially if you pair it with cinnamon sticks. Yum!
I’m not usually a big fan of fall. I like the weather extremes: summer and winter. But this year has given me a new appreciation for autumn! It’s been beautiful and sunny outside, and the temperature has been cool, but not overly chilly. The trees are in full-blown fall colours, and it’s wonderful. And I can finally wear scarves and sweaters again, woohoo!
Colder weather has its plus and cons

Better for working out
Better for actually doing stuff
Not so good for enjoying the weather

Besides cooler temps and it getting darker sooner, I don't really like autumn (lots of rain and all, I don't have a car yet)
I kind of connect Autumn (and Winter to an extent) with playing games like The Legend of Zelda, so I always try to get to one during the season
All the bugs are dying/hibernating. Consequently, all the bugs want to come in my home and not pay rent because it?s warm.
I love everything about autumn, its such a pacific season. I think the best, though, is probably the feeling of stepping on a fallen leaf, and hearing them crunch. Its such a pleasent thing!
I like how the color of the leaves changes and I'm finally not sweating outside anymore.
Oh, and that I'm finally being able to wear some cool clothes, because half of my closet is filled with pullovers and I usually don't know what to wear in summer.
Also, you don't have to be outside the whole day anymore and you have more timexpensive for playing nintendo games^^
I like how the weather is cooler but not too cold. It's like air conditioning outside. :)