What's your favorite weather? (IRL)

Cloudy weather is my favorite.

I love hoodies and light jackets!

I also like the crisp air and the scent of it.
Snow! Nothing beats watching it snow as I'm curled up inside with a blanket. I'm a homebody too, so if I get snowed in it suits me just fine. I like to stay home with my cats and hobbies, so it's the perfect weather for me. Winter clothes are also my favorite.

I do also love the rain, especially thunderstorms. It's just so calming and is second best for being cozy inside.
I don't know if I posted in here or not, but sunny weather for the most part. I can deal with inclement weather, but I don't like it. If I'm home or don't have to be out, snow or rain can be nice, but usually where I live if it rains it pours and it doesn't just stop in an hour or a day. It jus goes on.

This whole week has been rain rain rain and a dreary overcast. I like sunny weather. It just helps give off a better mood as well. But rain and night when I am sleeping that can be peaceful.
personally i like a good warm autumn day, you can't beat the changing colours of the leaves, the sunny day, and just a good clear sky. when it gets too hot, you can take your jacket off and when it's a bit chilly, you can throw that jacket back on :>
i looooved when it was autumn when i was at college cause our campus was near a lake so we would always go there with our cameras to take pictures for our photography class haha
Not too hot, not too cold, and please not very windy and rainy, especially not thunderstorms. I hate the anxiety. That is all.
This winter has been too rainy...the rainiest ever! Now I find myself appreciating sunny days.
20 degrees (celsius) and sunny, not hot, not cold, just warm with a nice breeze. I pretty much hate any other kind of weather. Especially rain because I can't stand wet fabric sticking to my body.
Heavily depends on if I'm inside or outside, haha. I really love the sound of a heavy thunderstorm at night, but I'd definetly hate to be out in one! In terms of weather I'd have to stand in, I'm always going to be fond of sun! Speaking of, I'm glad to see the sun out more lately with the move into spring; better than the grey clouds and drizzle!
I’d say sunny but too much sunlight makes my skin itch. Rain is a no because the worms that are on the ground gross me out (then again I don’t go out much). Cold weather aggravates my asthma. I prefer colder weather because less bugs.
My favorite is when it's cool, windy and a little bit rainy. I'm okay with any other weather as long as it's not too hot and there isn't too much pollen outside.
sunny but not too sunny that i feel like i'm in a desert. rain is nice too, as long as i'm inside or outside with an umbrella and a proper coat.
I like windy, rainy, snowy weather, I also like evening sun, fall afternoon when the sun is not too bright and high. Not more than 15-20°C.

The thing with windy, rainy, snowy weather though is that it may comes with trees falling, floods and other unwanted situations. 😞
If I'm outside walking I prefer it to be warm and sunny and not windy at all because allergies!

If I'm inside.. well.. I would prefer a thunderstorm.. more preferably I would want a lot of snow but there's no chance of that where I currently live lmao and that would probably be a bad thing if it did happen here 😅
sunny weather and warm, but also with a bit of a breeze so i'm not eternally suffering throughout the day. if i'm inside, definitely the rain! love listening to it fall on the roof and windows.
for going out, give me cloudy weather 24/7. a slight misty drizzle added to that is fine too

rain/storms are auper relaxing to me as a stay inside thing, though it of course needs to be had in moderation. for obvious safety concerns