What's Your Favourite Christmas Decoration?


Average plastic dinosaur consumer
Nov 13, 2024
Cool Heart Balloon
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Galaxy Pizza
Hanukkah Candy
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Blue Famous Mushroom
Blue Rosewater Potion
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Friday the 13th Candy
Blue Hybrid Pansy
Heyo, I was wondering what everyone's favourite decorations are for Christmas? Post a picture of it/them if you want! But please only post something you own or you've taken a picture of irl, don't post a random photo from the Internet.

My favourite decorations are my showglobes. I have so many! I'll post some them later when I get back home.

Also, is there any reason why it's your favourite decoration? Sentimental value, aesthetics, anything.
I like frosty decorations, decorations that give off a snowy or wintery theme. In the tropics you don't get any snow unless you're on a high mountain summit so its a nice decoration theme for me.
I like incandescent garlands you put in your christmas tree! NOT LED ones, incandescent only!
I also love fake snow tree covers.
My favorite Christmas decorations besides lights are the Christmas village models (including rides) sold at Lowe’s. Though nothing beats the Christmas TV-like decorations.
I love those! There's this really big and rustic store that decorates everything in Christmas during the holiday and they have a huge Christmas village set up. It's so pretty. I would never buy them because of the price and how much room they take up, but I love going to that store every year just to admire the set-ups.
My favourite Christmas tree decoration is this cute little elf sleeping on a mail bag. I absolutely love him.


Although my elfs head is turned to the side... because his head popped off and we hot glued it back on lol

In general thought my favourite decorations are lights. I absolutely adore Christmas lights, especially the colourful ones. I love all Christmas decorations though!! Especially snowglobes. I love me a good snowglobe, even better if it lights up and/or plays music!
Just one?!?!
Well WAY up there are my archways. I finally finished them this year and they look fab! Been working on a Cindy Lou who/ grinch theme for a bit, so I as thrilled to get them both done this year. I only did our main archway last year



Now on my little table are Santa mailboxes with my 2 og reindeer on one and a more recent one from my mom on the other. Luv those so much too!!! I also adore my elf on a shelf wreath (I have 3 or 4 Christmas wreaths atm)

In general, lights. What I actually own, this vintage miniature nativity set made of pewter. It is a pretty simple one with the holy family and a cow and donkey. But my mom found the perfect little glass and metal stable for it. (Caves, which are historically the common place for housing animals, are not common where I live btw). It goes together so well. I do find it slightly sad magi were not made in the set, but it is still awesome and can be put anywhere. Though animals and magi are not the focus of a nativity set, they are very important to me none the less (I'm sorry shepherds) so I am really glad a couple of animals are included. Sadly I think animals are left out more often than other figures. And I know the first nativity display was different than what is displayed today, but it's about imagery story telling and not necessarily a depiction of just one event.
Christmas villages are also my favourite! I don't own one (and I don't think I would want to unless I became rich and got a big house) but I've always admired them. Some of the women in my family have old porcelain ones and they just give off such a cozy vibe.
I like our lighted-window decorations because they're the easiest exterior decorations to put up.

This year I bought an animated musical figurine from Walmart. When you move the "On" switch it looks like Santa is using an old-school movie projector.
This might be a cliche answer, but christmas lights. Not the cold LED ones, either, gotta be those incandescent ones. Something about being curled up with hot cocoa and a blanket, watching a movie, with nothing but that warm glow of the lights on the tree for light just screams Christmas to me.
I have a 42 inch tall limited edition musical porcelain doll. I paid a lot of money to get her from eBay but it was worth it in the long run. I have a lot of other Christmas music boxes and dolls including an ice skating cat doll and a lamb doll dressed as an Angel.
I'm quite fond of Christmas villages and lights, as others have stated. But of the Christmas decorations I own, my favorite would be the outdoor light-up ducks. They don't really scream Christmas because they're just normal ducks with lights inside them, but they were sold at the store in December, so they're Christmas ducks, dangit! 🦆✨