What's your favourite season and why?

Winter used to be my favourite season because I love snow and Christmas. However, since I moved my favourite season has changed to Autumn because here we barely get any snow in the winter and it’s really cold and unpleasant (especially cuz I have really bad circulation!) I love autumn here, there’s the perfect temperature and the leaves are so beautiful and I love the Halloween and bonfire season :)

Can't go wrong with bonfire season, everything is super toasty and peaceful!
Spring because of flowers blooming, things coming back to life, and usually good things happen to me in the Spring. :)
My favourite season is autumn, just because it's not too hot and it's not too cold either. I love the colours and gradients of the leaves too, and it gives me an excuse to drink hot chocolate, which is one of my favourite beverages! (Also because my birthday's in autumn, but shh)
My favourite season is winter (especially when there is much snow everywhere, which unfortunately wasnt the case in the past years :/), because of the white snow and because of the cold temperature outside.
Everyone around me geto so confused when it gets cold and they're freezing in their jackets and I come into the room, sweating, but only in a light Cardigan.
My second facourier woUldale be spring because everything begims to get greener and the flowers begin to bloom. But it sometimes gets too warm outside..

I love sweaters. I find it so much easier to get dressed when it?s cold. And like, hot chocolate and blankets, ya know?
My favorite season is spring. I enjoy the mild temperature and flowers in bloom (yay for not having seasonal allergies!). I love seeing nature return back to being bright and fresh.
My favorite season is autumn.
It reminds me of how my family always went for a walk in the forest and
after that we watched a movie and got some hot chocolate / tea.
Sadly all of this will never happen again, because my parents broke up..
so I am still loving the season, but it also brings me a lot of sadness :confused:
Autumn and Winter are my favorite seasons. Winter because I was born it in and Autumn because I love it when the leaves change colors, as it's very pretty to me. I love both mostly too because it's easier to dress up and bundle up in a blanket during those cold months rather than sweating half to death in the Summer. I live in a high desert and used to live in a lower desert, so you can see why I like the colder months more. Summer in the desert isn't too fun, so yeah, Autumn and Winter for me. c:
Summer. It's nice and I dont half freeze to death plus my borthday is in the summer uwuwuuwuw.

plus some overall great times during the summer
Probably summer. Summer always holds a lot of good memories for me. Since summer is in December through to February here, holidays like Christmas and New Years are always in summer, which are probably my favourite holidays of the year. Summer also means going to the beach, and I love swimming or just being near water. I find myself happier over warmer, sunnier months too. The only downside is the heat, I'm not a fan of hot weather, but it doesn't get that hot over here so it's not too bad.
My favourite season is definitely summer. A lot of people I know complain about summer due to the heat, but I don't mind being a bit hot. I like being able to go outside without bundling up, I like the fact that there's no school, and I like the fact that my birthday is during the summer.
any season that is not cold is good for me because I despise the cold.
Opposite of them ^
I love wearing warm clothes, coats and scarves, so the colder the better. Also fall colours... can I just say wooooh♥
Fall and winter = a happy me
I hate the cold weather, I feel like freezing when the temperature drops under 15C. >__<
So my favorite has to be summer! But I also like and am able to survive Winter, as long as there are tons of snow!
Fall. It's perfect weather, not too hot or too cold. There's pumpkin spice everything and I love me some ps. Leaves are crunchy and good for stepping, and all the colors are beautiful.

I'd say winter is a close second purely because there's no bugs. :^)
I'd say Fall/Autumn because of all the colors! Winter is a close second. Also, you can stab someone in winter w/ an icicle and the evidence will melt away(not that I'm recommending anyone do that)!:)
It's a tie between Autumn and Winter, but if I HAD to decide, I guess I would go with Autumn. I love colder weather, and yeah, I know people will say "You don't REALLY like colder weather," and while true, it can be uncomfortable, at least I can do something about it by bundling up. When it's hot, that's it, you're going to be uncomfortable no matter what.
spring! i love the rain and i love how vivid the greenery is during spring
also im a spring baby soooo​