what's your favourite season on ac?

My favorite season in all Animal Crossing games (and in real life) is fall. It's a very beautiful season, and the holidays are fun to talk about.
Spring because green looks way better than drabby orange or white.
winter. i love the sound of snow crunching under my mayor's feet.
I love autumn in real life, but it's too brown for my taste in Animal Crossing. I love vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows mixed.

Spring is my favorite in New Leaf, especially during cherry blossom season, or summer during the rainy season. Those are my least favorite seasons in real life.
Spring and fall. :) Can't really choose, possibly spring tho due to cherry blossoms that one time XD
I really love winter. I like the stormy part of summer, too!
Fall hands down!!
If not fall then summer since its so green and bright! And the rainy season in it is really pretty.