What's your occupation?

Professional sad sack with a side gig in moping
I'm a student and working in retail part-time. Hopefully won't be the case forever, and I'll eventually end up working in the field that I'm studying for, but it's not bad for the time being.
I’m working at a therapeutic workplace with people with disabilities
Because I have autism.
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I have been working part-time at a grocery store for the past few months. They're a great company and I plan to stay awhile. I started in the produce department, and I've been cross-training in bakery as well. I plan to work my way up to cake decorator! My store manager has spoken to me about management opportunities, and as much as I would love to be a manager someday, I honestly don't think I'll ever have what it takes.. I have some health issues and this company expects A LOT from their managers.
I hope to start my own business someday to make extra money on the side.
i’m a coffee slave barista, as i’ve been for the past few years. im in a management position and there’s just so much stress for very little payoff - i hate it, and i can’t wait to quit and go back to school when i can afford it.
I am currently studying in college to be a nurse! I like it a lot but i do not know yet which road i shall take... so many options! i like children so i thought i could be a pediatric nurse, still not sure! gotta think it a lot
i work for an acquaintance in his company, where we install security camera's and access points and other stuff like that.
high school sophomore. basically the "child prodigy that got traumatized and is now a failure" stereotype :p
I'm a geospatial data consultant. I managed to get a job straight after I finished college and I've been working for the last three years ^-^

Edit: by college I mean New Zealand college, so I have no degree or anything fancy
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