• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's your personality type?


Introverted (I) 64.1% Extroverted (E) 35.9%
Intuitive (N) 69.44% Sensing (S) 30.56%
Thinking (T) 57.58% Feeling (F) 42.42%
Perceiving (P) 61.54% Judging (J) 38.46%

"Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
I got ISTJ!

Introvert(78%) Sensing(38%) Thinking(38%) Judging(22%)
I'm an INTJ (but sometimes I get INFJ). I feel like I can identify with both though??

It's kind of nice seeing so many introverts. Much rarer in real life.

I dunno what that means

Ohai Kayla <3

"follows the rules, polite, fears drawing attention to self, dislikes competition, somewhat easily frightened, easily offended, timid, dutiful, private, lower energy, finisher, organized, socially uncomfortable, modest, not confrontational, easily hurt, observer, prone to crying, not spontaneous, does not appreciate strangeness - intolerant to differences, apprehensive, clean, planner, prone to confusion, afraid of many things, responsible, guarded, avoidant, anxious, cautious, suspicious, more interested in relationships and family than intellectual pursuits, not adventurous, fears doing the wrong thing, dislikes change"

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According to Myers-Briggs, ISTPs excel at analyzing situations to reach the heart of a problem so that they can swiftly implement a functional repair, making them ideally suited to the field of engineering. Naturally quiet people, they are interested in understanding how systems operate, focusing on efficient operation and structure. They are open to new information and approaches. But contrary to their seemingly detached natures, ISTPs are often capable of humorously insightful observations about the world around them. They can also be closet daredevils who gravitate toward fast-moving or risky hobbies (such as bungee jumping, hang gliding, racing, motorcycling, and parachuting), recreational sports (such as downhill skiing, paintball, ice hockey, and scuba diving), and careers (such as aviation and firefighting).

ISTPs may sometimes seem to act without regard for procedures, directions, protocol, or even their own safety. But while their approach may seem haphazard, it is in fact based on a broad store of knowledge developed over time through action and keen observation. ISTPs enjoy self-sufficiency and take pride in developing their own solutions to problems.

ISTPs are content to let others live according to their own rules, as long as the favor is reciprocated. ISTPs endure reasonable impositions without complaint—but if their "territory" is encroached upon, eroded, or violated, they defend what they view as rightfully theirs.
I bolded that one part because it's the exact opposite of me.

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I don't know where to find the percentages.
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Idk ISFP lol

Introvert(22%) Sensing(1%) Feeling(12%) Perceiving(22)%
You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (22%)
You have marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (1%)
You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)
You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (22%)

And again

According to Myers-Briggs, ISFPs are peaceful, easygoing people who adopt a "live and let live" approach to life. They enjoy taking things at their own pace and tend to live in the moment. Although quiet, they are pleasant, considerate, caring, and devoted to the people in their lives. Though not inclined to debate or necessarily even air their views, their values are important to them.

According to Keirsey, Composer Artisans are grounded in the here and now. They are extremely sensitive to their environment, attuned to the perceptions of their five senses even more than other sensing types are. They notice small variations in their physical world or in the people around them. They are very sensitive to balance and understand well what does or does not fit, whether in a work of art or any other aspect of their lives. ISFPs are highly conscious of their companions, but they prefer to allow others to direct their own lives. ISFPs tend to be emotionally well rounded and empathetic toward others.

The second (#2) one i got istp tho

Introverted (I) 60% Extroverted (E) 40%
Sensing (S) 50% Intuitive (N) 50%
Thinking (T) 53.13% Feeling (F) 46.88%
Perceiving (P) 59.46% Judging (J) 40.54%

Your type is: INTP

INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
*If you tied on any of the scales, the current algorithm just breaks the tie randomly so refresh the page to see alternate results
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I did the third one the first time. Now I did the first test and got almost exact opposite results.


Extravert: 33%
iNtuitive: 38%
Thinking: 12%
Judging: 67%

Am I everything except Feeling? O_O
I did the third one the first time. Now I did the first test and got almost exact opposite results.


Extravert: 33%
iNtuitive: 38%
Thinking: 12%
Judging: 67%

Am I everything except Feeling? O_O

oh god you have no soul
Kidding kidding xD
And the second test


Still no feeling. XD

Extroverted (E) 54.29% Introverted (I) 45.71%
Sensing (S) 52.78% Intuitive (N) 47.22%
Thinking (T) 65.79% Feeling (F) 34.21%
Perceiving (P) 51.22% Judging (J) 48.78%

"Promotor". Action! When present, things begin to happen. Fiercely competitive. Entrepreneur. Often uses shock effect to get attention. Negotiator par excellence. 4.3% of total population.
Hm... Veeeery interesting.

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh god you have no soul
Kidding kidding xD

Um... I have feelings. Sometimes. XD

- - - Post Merge - - -

So overall I'm:
Overall pretty random.
It's kind of nice seeing so many introverts. Much rarer in real life.

Definitely! Not to say extroverts are less interesting, but it's nice to be around similar people who understand what it is. A lot of people assume that if you're an introvert, you don't talk to people. That's not really the case.

Introvert (89%)
Intuitive (34%)
Thinking (79%)
Judging (22%)

Ha, I'm no Abnegation.
Nor Candor.

Edit: As of a few seconds ago. I managed to get a Thinking (100%) a few years ago, along with an introversion of 100%.
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I did everything and it looks like I'm caught between INFJ and ENFJ.


Your Type
Introvert(33%) iNtuitive(56%) Feeling(44%) Judging(44%)
• You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (33%)
• You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (56%)
• You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (44%)
• You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (44%)


Extroverted (E) 50% Introverted (I) 50%
Intuitive (N) 57.58% Sensing (S) 42.42%
Feeling (F) 56.67% Thinking (T) 43.33%
Judging (J) 63.33% Perceiving (P) 36.67%
**If you tied on any of the scales, the current algorithm just breaks the tie randomly so refresh the page to see alternate results

So I refreshed and got ENFJ. Third result yielded INFJ. I agree that aspects of both could fit my bill, if not predominantly INFJ.
used to be an ISTJ though

idk..i feel like im both kinda? its just one diff between the letters but anyway
INTJs are often seen as highly intelligent and perplexingly mysterious. (OH MY GOd NO WAYi s tht me..)
INTJ personalities are perfectionists and they enjoy improving ideas and systems they come in contact with (okay yes im a huge perfectionist bc im a virgo too lmao)
INTJ personalities also often shoulder the burden of making important decisions without consulting their peers. (i do this a lot..im sorry. i just..want to do it..)
INTJs dislike rules and artificial limitations – everything should be questionable and open to re-evaluation. (funny bc i believe ISTJs love rules but i guess yeah this is me? i use to obey rules all the time but like. now i dont follow them a lot..imsorry)
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Definitely! Not to say extroverts are less interesting, but it's nice to be around similar people who understand what it is. A lot of people assume that if you're an introvert, you don't talk to people. That's not really the case.

Exactly! People just assume introvert = shy/antisocial/anxiety/etc but all introvert really means is that we recharge our energy by being alone, and being around people drains our energy. But I don't mind being around people, nor do I mind talking. It's just that sometimes I gotta be alone sometimes xD

We all need someone to balance out our lives, haha. Introverts and extroverts both!
extroverted (54.05%)
sensing (51.28%)
feeling (61.11%)
perceiving (58.97%)

I sort of consider myself an introvert, though. >> I sort of go back and forth between wanting to be alone and wanting to be around people all the time.
I got:
Introvert(100%) Sensing(1%) Feeling(62%) Perceiving(11)%
You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (100%)
You have marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (1%)
You have distinctive preference of Feeling over Thinking (62%)
You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (11%)

(I used this link: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp )