Back story: the principal called me into their office about my schedule.
Every year, students get to write down their preferences for what they want their schedules to be. Ultimately, the school did our schedules but sometimes you can convince them to change it (ex: if your parents nagged them enough, your family had $ shmoney, etc). Now, practically no one liked our principal. They never really knew what was going on.
So of course when my name got called over the PA system during math class, everyone gave me The Look. The one where people think you're in trouble.
Me, confused as I was, went to the principal's office. It was not a good time because she was telling me that the schedule I wanted would not be the one I was gonna receive. After the initial 5-10 minutes of trying to negotiate, she flat out told me: "Yes, I know this isn't fair but that's life, rianne."
I began to emphasize how much I wanted to be in the same class as my friends, I care about my education a lot (both truthful statements, but I digress). I could see her face getting red because I was rambling and taking up more than 10-15 minutes of her ~*~precious time~*~ Eventually, I started crying. I was frustrated but I didn't know the extent of it. Tears were rolling down my face and I didn't have a tissue.
She finally said she'd change my schedule to what I'd written down and to go back to class. She was so angry lol. I said in a super sweet voice, "Thank you so much *Principal's name here*."
I was able to calm myself down by the time I went back to class. Then when anyone asked what happened, I said it was about my schedule and it was back and forth for awhile. The bell rang shortly after I returned.
TL;DR I annoyed and fooled the principal because I didn't like them and cried almost on command out of frustration. Yes, I know it was bratty and morally questionable but what's done is done. Haven't done anything close to this crying jag since then.