What’s your town tune?

In my New Leaf town, I use a little sound motif from The Legend of Korra, which I've kept probably the entire time I've had that town (since 2013). It works really well for every character!

On my first island, I have the main tune from Spirited Away. On my second, I used a tune from a local AM radio station, but I've since started that island over and don't believe I've set a tune for that one yet...
Most of the time I have it turned off. When I do have it on, I always choose Scarborough Fair, a folk song, or Sweet Child O' Mine, by Guns N' Roses.
I just really like the tunes and were heard alot growing up.

Song of Storms from Zelda would be a good one. Maybe I'll consider that one sometime.
first few notes of this:
It fits the island themes I strived for so well: warmth, kindness, friendship, community, childlike wonder, summer, and seeing/finding beauty in the world. In fact, I actually named my island after this song in the first place (but since Okaeri means “welcome home” I thought it would be a cute way to welcome all residents and visitors ^^
it's the beginning lyrics of "i see the light" from tangled, my absolute favourite movie ♪(^∇^*)
My current town tune is my favorite Christmas song, Last Christmas by Wham. I will probably change it to Auld Lang Syne for New Years after Christmas.
In my one NL game, it’s that Chopin dirge. You know, the duh duh duh da duh duh duh duuuuuuuuh song associated with death in cartoons.y other NL tune is the Aria from Madame Butterfly. I’m NH, the tune is the first few notes of Windmills of Your Mind and it sounds really neat
it's a portion of tighnari's theme from genshin impact. i very much love tighnari and i very much love that song. i think , before that, it was some pokemon town theme but unfortunately i cant remember which one it was.
I love this thread! it's so nice to discover new songs through player's town tunes of Animal Crossing💕 In WW I had probably a random tune made by my stupid 7-years-old-self, in New Leaf I had first the Pirates of Caribbean theme, then Merlin theme(lol basic 13 years old fangirl at the time) and now Totoro theme. In New Horizons I haven't decided yet!