my workout routine is moderately intense, and it's been perfected a lot over the years. it goes something like this: sit at my computer and eat junk food all day.
lmao just kidding, but i'll admit, i do that sometimes when i'm feeling down. i don't have an actual, set workout routine, because i'm always on my feet. our family runs a hobby farm, which has 45 animals, counting our dog and snapping turtle. (23 chickens, 3 turkeys, 2 guinea fowl, 5 goats, 2 pigs, 5 ducks, 1 dog, 1 turtle, and 3 bunnies) Because there are so many animals, and many of them are babies/are still very young, they require constant attention, which means tons of trips back and fourth to get food, water, clean out food containers/houses/pens, and etc., so really it's a constant effort. Not only do I get lots of exercise, but it also means happy, friendly animals!
also, on an unrelated side note, your signature is my religion. i love it.