3-4x a week. I don't try to bulk big but I try to maintain the weights I carry so I don't lose it. It's just becoming a habit to me, and it's a plus that there's a gym right below my dormitory.
I'm 5'4 male with a skinny-leaning build and a student budget. I do four chest, four triceps, and 3 ab workouts for one day. In another day I do four back, four shoulder, and three ab workouts. Then the other is 4 biceps and 4 leg workouts, with 3 ab workouts. The 3 ab workouts are pretty much the same movements, crunches, planks and all that jazz. My max benchpress at the moment is 70 LBS, and biceps/triceps/shoulders max is 30 LBS each side. I'm pretty satisfied with my current routine but if I could improve it I would change my dietary options first because I eat too little/unhealthily. Actually one of the reasons I go to gym just to supplement my bad eating habits lol oops