What's your worst school experience?


Junior Member
Jun 13, 2018
What's your worst school experience when your teacher lost their mind for no reason or you were mean to them?

Mine is when my teacher asked me to hand out textbooks to the class when she just said :

' ( my name ), everyone needs a textbook '

then I said what do you mean and I got a detention. Some teachers are just stupid I guess. :p
lol i can relate. I have way many fun/bad experiences in school. Here's one of em..

There was just a practice drill, it was our maths period and I was so bored and when I heard the siren I was like oh yeah! Everyone needed to gather, my class was upstairs. Me and my best friend became overexcited because our maths lesson was going to be skipped. We ran down the stairs and unfortunately I tripped and fell down the stairs rolling XD luckily I grabbed the grill next to the stairs and survived in the halfway down the stairs. I was screaming in pain inside but I just stood up and looked at my best friend. He was staring at me but I said I'm ok no worries and i laughed. I tried my best to look fine. Then after a few moments I fainted. I heard my teacher saying my name and everyone gathered around me. Two teachers helped me to get me to the library. After half an hour I went to my class and my friends were looking worried, they cheered me up!

I learned a lesson to never be overexcited XD
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Years ago in the times of the dinosaurs.... uh, no. Let me try that again.

Years ago when I was in elementary school, there were various times when I would rage like Bakugo from MHA against all of my classmates and the teacher (and a couple times where I remember and I regret hitting a teacher). My parents didn’t understand, but we found out at age 10 that I was born with Aspergers (diagnosed with it).

EDIT: Also, I got excluded at lunch every day of public middle school (which is why I transferred to private high school afterwards, the place that made me such a great person today).

Since then though I’ve overcame any social limitations of it and I’m now a very intelligent person both socially and academically. 50% introverted, 50% extroverted.
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One of the worst experiences to me was probably the time I fainted during two other classmates' presentation in secondary school. Since the presentation was about veins and diseases related to veins, I started to feel light-headed and then just lost consciousness. Next thing I remember was that I was on the floor and the teacher saying something like "That's how they first discover they have diabetes" but I knew it was because the subject of the presentation was unpleasant. The school nurse had to come to check up on me and everything.
So hard for me to pick just one experience...

1. In seventh grade I needed help with a test question and the supply teacher grabbed me and pulled me into the hall. He held me to the ground until I managed to escape. I tried reporting it to the police and the school just defended his actions.

2. Tenth grade I had a student sexually harass me in front of the class and my guidance counselor said I wasn't 100% innocent in all of that.

3. Seventh grade a bully hit me in the head with a metal rod. School only gave him a one day suspension.

I could tell the rest but I would be here all day.
1. My math teacher in middle school was a prick. She had no patience and always had favorites in the class. She used to make us do these "warmup" problems but they were way beyond our level. Even my dad and sister (in college at the time) had trouble with it! As a result of my poor grade in math in 8th grade, I was already taken back a level for math in highschool. She made me hate math so so much and I'm actually not that bad at it now...it just took me awhile to grasp concepts and with her yelling, it didn't help at all.

I had her as a sub for one class while in 11th grade and she was still a b. We were always allowed to discuss with our table about the problems but she never allowed talking or anything! We weren't even joking around or anything...

2. That time in elementary I got sent to the principles for something that was purely an accident. Some girl just blamed me for doing it on purpose but I was too scared of authority at the time to explain myself (and young).

3. Our lockers in middle school were outside in the hallway and mines was in the corner. That corner was full of spider webs and bugs! I almost never used my locker because occassionally there would be a spider or a beetle in my stuff...

4. It was a mistake taking ap lit because our the course and hw load was waaay too much. Our teacher was definetely senior college level and the homework all together would take about 3 hours for just his one class. What made it worse was that we had one classmate that was just really adept in reading and writing (far far past the average) so he made everyone else seem way below average in comparison. I guess the teacher loved him and based the grades around him so some of us got really low grades.
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I'm not sure if this is the worst one ever, but it certainly was for last year and is definitely up there. Basically, in my Spanish class, my teacher asked us to write something and then send a voicemail to a google number of us reading what we wrote. And that's what I did. I thought what i wrote was pretty darn good too, until I saw that she put a 0 in the grade book for it. I figured it was just a mistake because I didn't just not do the assignment, so I emailed her about it. She then proceeded to tell me that she didn't have it and therefore I didn't do the assignment, even after I sent her a screenshot of my recent phone calls (showing that I had, in fact, made the call and that it met the 30 second minimum and that it was sent during my class period with her). She basically told me that she didn't have it, that it was my fault for not following directions, and that I would have to re-do it for a reduced grade >:[ It doesn't end there though. She also made sure to include an Albert Einstein quote saying something along the lines of "If you never made a mistake, you never learned anything" (or something like that) This angered me so much because I didn't do anything wrong! This situation wouldn't have been bad if she had just told me that she didn't have it, but could se that I did it, and to just resend it (for the full amount of points that I deserved >;v)

Another experience that upset me was not being able to choose the math class I wanted. When I was in seventh grade, you were either put into on-level or pre-ap (pre-ap was a year ahead at the time). I was put in on-level for some reason ;-; and my mom tried to switch me into the pre-ap class. The counselor absolutely would not switch me. At the end of the year, (I had a 99 in the class btw) I was invited to do a little summer school class to get into Algebra 1 for 8th grade (that would be the "pre-ap" class). Unfortunately I failed by 1 point (I needed an 80 to get in and I got a 79), so my mom asked if they would still let transfer... they said no of course. I might add that I had about a week to learn all of Algebra 1 material... so I don't think I did that bad tbh considering I hadn't even gone through Pre- Algebra. Anyway, more recently, my friend told me I could take Geometry over the summer and get into Algebra 2 for 10th grade (I was in 9th grade at the time),so I asked my math teacher. She said that it was an option, but that it put you at a disadvantage blah blah. So I decided to ask my counselor if I was able to do this. She said that you couldn't do it to get ahead. This angered me so much because it felt like she was lying to me (she probably was) and I felt like my school district was doing everything they could to hold me back (I may be a little dramatic, but in essence, I'm not totally wrong.) Anyway, now I decided to double up on Geometry and Algebra 2 for 10th grade, but to do that, I had to drop my art class :c I can always draw in my free time, but that was something I looked forward to :'c
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When I was in 7th grade they put me in algebra 1.

Not even a week later, they took me out of it because they found I was too dumb for it.

Then in 8th grade, my language arts teacher (I'll call him Mr. "Smith"), was very old and cranky. In the first week of school he asked me if I needed to be put in a lower level LA class because English is my second language. Thanks, Mr. Smith!
My seventh grade teacher threw a kid's desk at the heater and made a dent, and also broke the classroom phone in half from slamming it down too hard
He would literally switch from joking and singing to being violently angry in two minutes it was terrifying
I had to make an announcement with my friend to a 6th grade class who was incredibly noisy and then the teacher started yelling/blaming me and shaking my shoulder wtf???
In my junior year, it was nearing the end of lunch. I was sitting in my usual spot with friends when suddenly we hear screaming and see everyone running from the staircase, which was the most crowded spot during lunch.
Didn't really think much of it at first, but then an announcement started going off, telling everyone to go to back to their last class. I couldn't hear the announcement over the commotion, so I asked someone in the office what was going on and they told me we were under code red and that I had to go to my NEXT class.
So I made my way quickly to my 6th period classroom. The door was locked so I knocked. My teacher looked over at me, but didn't come over for several minutes. Mind you, I was pretty scared lol alarms were going off and people were running to their classrooms.
My teacher opened the door a crack, not allowing me to come through and asked what I was doing. I told him I was told to come to my next class. He simply said "no, you have to go back to your 5th period" and shut the door.
My 5th period was on the other campus (it was a huge high school), a good 10 minute walk through the parking lot.
I started getting anxiety as I made my way to my 5th period. This was the first year I had ever attended public school and I had never experienced anything like this. The school was so quiet, nobody was around because everyone had already ran to their classrooms. I'm on the verge of tears when I see a teacher locking up her classroom door. She sees me and asks where I'm going, and I tell her my 5th period is on the other campus. She ushered me in and told me that I can't walk that far, we were under lockdown and it would take me too long to get there.
I was so relieved she let me in. I later learned that someone had brought a gun into the school and was waving it around during lunch, and they had to lockdown everything because it went missing apparently.
Math existing in its entirety and having to learn it.

Dude same. I was so bad at maths, it was easily my worst subject. I'm still terrible with calculations, it's given me somewhat of an aversion to numbers and any sort of complicated math. Not for me.

I had a lot of crappy school experiences that were mostly related to other students, but if I were to pick the worst and most impactful, then it would be the daily roasting I got from my lecturer at art school. It wasn't just me either, this guy was a dick to the entire class. I can understand giving constructive criticism, but this guy was far from constructive. He was kind of old, I guess his perception of what was art was far different from the newer generation, and if your work reflected that in any way shape or form he'd beat you down for it. He didn't just pick on your work either, he got extremely personal with many of us. It was one of the most soul-destroying experiences I've ever had, and it made me stop pursuing what I loved to do for a long time. Our entire class banded together to complain because over the months of him tutoring us, we had made barely any progress and so many people were dropping out of the class in tears. Towards the end of the module he disappeared, and another lecturer took over. No idea what happened to him, but the relief of tension in the class once he was gone was incredible.
Returning after summer vacation. Missing the bus after dismissal thanks to my sensitive, poor nose bleeding due to dry air.
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Art teacher said to make original art and not to find something off the internet and copy it, so I found a few references and threw them together in an original piece the person sitting next to me found an image on the internet and copied it exactly, they didn?t change a thing about the image. We all turned in our art, mine was pretty good theirs was good too but like it wasn?t their artwork just a copied piece they found, I got an 80% and they got 100%. The teacher constantly stressed about originality and yet punished it we always had to do a check in with the teacher before we started our project like a rough sketch sorta thing and the person sitting next to me would ALWAYS show him some picture they found online so he knew it was forged just didn?t care I guess.

This teacher always played favorites and gave good grades to the students he liked, this was the first teacher that ever showed that they didn?t like me, at least that?s the vibe he gave out (I was even a favorite for one of the teachers dubbed meanest in my school so the fact that this guy didn?t like me bugged me so much). I was basically a quiet, straight A, goody two shoes student so it was easy for me to get on my teachers good sides but this guy felt the need to stress me out over a class that should have been an easy A. I stayed after school to finish paintings (when I had time) and was spending more time on my art at home than I was for any other subject. I was a year round athlete so I never had much time to stay after but when I did I?d be there for hours and he knew it, I always worked hard the whole class period and he saw that but I guess my time and effort wasn?t enough, oh well.
every pupil in my year was assigned a day to carry out "reception duty" which is pretty much just handing notes to class teachers and getting classwork for students who have been brought out of class. i had about 10 people i had to collect work for (for every period) on top of notes i had to give to classes and it was absolute hell. i was running all over the school for the whole day trying to collect all the work and dont even get me started on entering classes. going into older years classes was the worst and whenever i walked down the hallways i would just silently cry to myself. then when it was break i ran to my friends and cried my eyes out lmao
In my junior year, it was nearing the end of lunch. I was sitting in my usual spot with friends when suddenly we hear screaming and see everyone running from the staircase, which was the most crowded spot during lunch.
Didn't really think much of it at first, but then an announcement started going off, telling everyone to go to back to their last class. I couldn't hear the announcement over the commotion, so I asked someone in the office what was going on and they told me we were under code red and that I had to go to my NEXT class.
So I made my way quickly to my 6th period classroom. The door was locked so I knocked. My teacher looked over at me, but didn't come over for several minutes. Mind you, I was pretty scared lol alarms were going off and people were running to their classrooms.
My teacher opened the door a crack, not allowing me to come through and asked what I was doing. I told him I was told to come to my next class. He simply said "no, you have to go back to your 5th period" and shut the door.
My 5th period was on the other campus (it was a huge high school), a good 10 minute walk through the parking lot.
I started getting anxiety as I made my way to my 5th period. This was the first year I had ever attended public school and I had never experienced anything like this. The school was so quiet, nobody was around because everyone had already ran to their classrooms. I'm on the verge of tears when I see a teacher locking up her classroom door. She sees me and asks where I'm going, and I tell her my 5th period is on the other campus. She ushered me in and told me that I can't walk that far, we were under lockdown and it would take me too long to get there.
I was so relieved she let me in. I later learned that someone had brought a gun into the school and was waving it around during lunch, and they had to lockdown everything because it went missing apparently.

It’s really unfortunate you had to go through this. People who do that sort of thing in a setting for education really tick me off. And those who fight with weapons also have no honor. If I had to be in a situation like that, instead of running away, because of my martial arts I would be leaping off the lockers, asking them a question, doing whatever I can to knock the gun out of their hands. And then I would disable their arms and knock their lights out. Too many people don’t realize the value of human life, and it disgusts me.
I don't think I've experienced anything as humiliating as tripping up the stairs and my spaghetti flying everywhere
Back in sixth grade, my math teacher was playing this game where she asked questions, and students wrote down the answers on little whiteboards. I was getting every answer correct, and she said ?[my name] is cheating! Write down the answer first, and hold it up first so I know you are not cheating!? I did what she said and I wrote down the answer to the next question, and I got it correct again. She said ?You?re cheating! DETENTION! DETENTION!!? The teacher already hated me for some obscure reason.

Another thing that happened was in eighth grade. My English teacher was late to class one day, and I was standing with the other students at the door waiting for her to return. Keep in mind that the classroom door was already closed shut. Guess what? The teacher locked her keys in the classroom! The teacher became very pissed off and said ?Who did it? Who locked my keys in the classroom?!? Everyone pointed to me, even though somebody else shut the door. Everybody was someone that bullied me. The teacher believed them, and issued me a detention.

In the same English class, we were playing a game where we used words in sentences. My teacher asked one of the students to use the word volcano in a sentence. The student goes on to say ?I hope a volcano explodes right there [points to my chair]!? Everybody laughed. I had enough of those bullies as it was, so I said ?Volcanoes don?t explode in classrooms!? Well, my teacher was just about to lose it once I said that. She said ?Don?t talk without raising your hand!! DETENTION!!? As hard as it is to believe, all these stories are true. I wish they weren?t. My first school district I ever attended, and the teachers were actually bullying me. There was no escape. I even got suspended in seventh grade. Not just that, but the school district got the magistrate involved.