When do you get out of school?

Whoa...all of you (besides Storm :p) are lucky.

I get out June 4th.


But I don't think I'm going the last day, cuz' its some Six Flags thing, so my last day is more like June 1st-ish...
Last day was June 14th, but due to 2 snow days it's the 15th, but my 2 AP classes have finals on the 15th, which I'm taking the AP exams for, so my last day ends up being the 14th.

May 23rd. It was originally the 24th, but they brought it back because we've learned over time when we had to extend the days for multiple snow days.
Wed. 13th - half day, then 8th grade graduation
Thurs. 14th - Six Flags (the amusement park if you didnt know)
Fri. 15th - they said 8th graders dont have to come to school
Sat. 16th - away at DC
Sun. 17th - away at DC
Mon. 18th - away at DC