when does/did school end for you?


attention gamers,
May 22, 2015
Heart Glow Wand
Tasty Cake
Flower Glow Wand
Tasty Cake
Heart Glow Wand
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
if you still attend school, has the school year ended for you yet? this coming friday will be my last day, but i'll be taking final exams throughout the following week.

good luck to all taking final exams throughout the month, by the way :)
I'm in university and my last exam was April 26. I've been working full time for a month and a half.
Last exam was May 2nd and I found out I passed May 29th. Enjoying a nice relaxing break while I wait for my dissertation supervisor to inevitably email me saying "read this over summer!"
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I had got out of school on June 7th after taking my last exam, but it's nice to have a big summer break, and just relax for some time.
I’m in university, and my last day for the spring semester was May 15th. However, I took a summer class after that (which has since finished), and I’m doing an internship now and another summer class in July. I don’t really get a break this summer, lmao. I’ll be entering my senior year of university in the fall. :)
Gosh, as much as working full time sucks sometimes, it's still leaps and bounds better than being in school. :cool:
I'm in college so I only have a week break in two weeks time. Give another seven weeks after that and I only have two weeks of break. And I'm back in it again. Sounds so exhausting...

As for my sister though, she will be finishing school around June 27 I believe. Thank goodness her graduation from middle school is during my week-long break.
classes ended @ uni the last week of april, currently working full time and taking more classes this summer. since i've been a college student i've kind of just been taking classes non-stop year round.
I'm at college and my classes finished on the 31st May, and my last final is Friday this week. Then I've got a month off before the next semester as my finals finish so early this year ^^
MY last day of finals was May 7th. All my roommates were done before that, but my last final just had to be on the very last day.