When does it snow (Northern Hemisphere)

It snowed today for me, just one day after Turkey Day! I was surprised! ❄😲

It was about 11am and I'd noticed that the sky looked really grey. It was full of clouds. So I waited and waited and waited and it started snowing just a minute past noon. Have to say, I was excited! (In real life, I'm on a tropical island. No snow. I only see snow when I travel to other countries.)

Here's a picture of the first snow on my island! 🌨
I live in a tropical country as well, so we obviously don't get snow. I haven't seen nor experienced snow in real life, so winter in Animal Crossing is always an exciting season for me.
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Just started playing and am so disappointed 😢 I know I am being impatient but nothing is different. Weather is the same, clothes same, spotlight item in Nooks is turkey table. I want winter ❄️⛄😊

We get plenty of snow in the UK but as pretty as it can be I hate driving in snow. Don’t have to worry about that in AC 😂
so excited for snowy season! I know I'll probably be sick of it in about a month but equally I just think it's so pretty. roll on Dec 1st!
It started snowing today!

It snowed at 5 AM, and there is continuous snow from 12 PM to 4 AM (According to Meteonook)
I just had my first snowfall today. Isabelle announced it and everything. I wasn't expecting it so soon! I love the little christmas bell sound in the showing hourly music.

I wonder when it will start sticking! I better start looking for a winter path!
It probably depends on your weather seed. If you know yours, go consult your forecast, if not, I highly recommend you discover your weather seed.

For me, today marks the first snow of winter on my island.

I'm so excited for snow and hearing it crunch! It never snows where I live, so I'm really looking forward to experiencing a real winter in game.
how do i know if it's gonna snow???????????????????????????????????????
Okay... Isabelle said today will be the 1st snow. Hopefully I'll get to see it!!!!!!!!!!
I think it starts in mid-December. I wish it started on December 1st. To me, December is a holiday month and the start of winter/holidays and I'd like to have things looking pretty earlier. And, it would be great to have more time to gather ornaments. Once maple leaf season ends, everything is probably going to go back to the icky fall color palette.
I was supposed to get snow on Thursday, but the event weather pattern (EventDay00) took over due to Turkey Day. XD According to my weather seed, I should have snow next Thursday. I'm looking forward to being able to admire snow without having to deal with any of its shortcomings! ❄
There will be snow on my island tomorrow, Nov 28th, according to Meteonook.

Snowflake season begins on December 1st. That means snowflakes can be caught similar to cherry blossoms and maple leaves.
Same here, I had flurries on the 28th when I was TTing, but I haven't checked my meteonook for more details.