When does it snow (Northern Hemisphere)

I had a bit of snow today. I won't switch my autumn decorations over until it sticks, though. The colors would clash.
I loaded my game today and Isabelle announced that there will be snow today (which I was aware of thanks to Meteonook). I'm not sure if she'll announce it every time, but it's good to know that Isabelle notifies you (at least on your first snow).
I had flurries when I was playing! I really like how the snowflakes will interact with things instead of just disappearing immediately. It was neat seeing them cling to the trees or buildings that they hit for a second or two instead of just fading away.
It snowed on my island today! :) But it didn't stick on the ground. It was cute but sometimes the white of the snow flurries would flash on my screen and it looked glitchy so it startled me a little! :LOL:
I won't have snow until Monday, and it'll only be for an hour. Snow snow won't come until 12/6. However, first 4 days of December, I'll have 3 light showers and 1 heavy, so I guess fragments will be falling in place of snow.
According to MeteoNook, it was supposed to snow on my island on 11/26, but the weather defaulted to clear for Turkey Day. Now I have to wait until the 29th to see snow...
IIRC, it started snowing for me in early May and didn't stick until the 11th or 12th of June, so it's likely y'all with northern hem islands will get similar results, but, y'know, in December.
I can’t wait for it start snowing on my island. My close friend got flurries today on her’s and I’m envious. 😅
I haven't been using this "Meteonook" thing, so I have no clue when it will snow on my island, lol.
Let it snow.


I had my first snow today(November 28th) but it’s not sticking to the ground, although it has been snowing for the whole morning. I don’t know when that starts to happen, as for now it’s just snowing. Also, I found out that snow waters the flowers like rain does 😨
I see snow. The first time I have seen snow. Isabelle did not announce it because I have a villager in the campsite.
No snow on my island yet, which is ok because I want to enjoy this last bit of autumn before overhauling my design for Christmas/winter.
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I can't remember what the snowfall was like in New Leaf, but I like that there is a first snow and a it-sticks snow, adds a little realism. Of course our irl first snow was back in October, ha! It melted though, we won't get perma-snow until December i think. Then the snow sticks until April! (Seriously, this last Easter we had 6 inches drop overnight.)
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I know it could start snowing as of yesterday (Friday) for Northern Hemisphere players. My island won't get its first snow until tomorrow, Sunday, which is okay with me because I had to work yesterday and I work today as well. I get to enjoy a day off of work with as much snowing on my island I want!!! Sadly it won't start sticking until next month I believe. From pictures I saw, the amount of snow sticking progresses over time, like how autumn colors progressed. I'm really looking forward to that!
Yeah. It seems that way. It sbowed for an hour at keast. I dont know when it started. It was snowing when I logged in. It didnt stick but it was pretty.
I’m jealous of everyone getting snow already! I never tried tracking my weather, so no idea when snow will hit Sunnytop. This thread is getting me excited though :) I can’t wait to hear the crunching of snow under my footsteps ❄️💙
My island has got any snow atm but I went island hopping earlier and all of the mystery island were snowing which made me really excited for the snow to come!
being in eastern canada, we've been battling snow since november started 😭

as much as i'm not a fan of it in real life, i can't wait to see some snowflakes starting to fall form the sky. there's always something kind of.. majestic about that cooler weather being visualized in games. nighttime has always been a little lackluster for me in AC, just because everything gets a little bit darker, but i'm hoping that a layer of snow is going to brighten up the nights and make it look peaceful 🖤