When does TBT shop get new stuff or restock?


mr monkey
Feb 15, 2014
Red Candy
Green Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Sorry if this was asked I couldn't find it :( I was just wondering when the shop changes, or restocks the Japanese letter houses (if that even happens) I assume the birthstone changes on June 1 or in June at least. Thanks for the help :)
SOme people have neat things. I like the cake ones, and the pear since I have pears in my ACNL town. Some people have some cool ones that I missed cause I was oblivious to this website.
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When ever the mods want. (I'm serious)

Really its like

Jeremy: I feel like restocking today.
Justin: To muuuch work!
Jeremy: Oh, you're right, nvm.
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The restocks are random, and happen when the administrators feel it should. :)

The only collectible that is restocked regularly is the cherry, and I believe I've seen one restock of the chocolate cakes during my tenure here. I'm not certain if they plan to restock the letters at any point, but they'd likely all be purchased within a few minutes of the restock if it did happen.

Some collectibles are also from special TBT events, like the Easter Egg Hunt, Bell Tree Fair, Halloween, etc. There was also a brief release of a Pok?ball collectible to commemorate the release of Pok?mon X and Y. There are definitely more that I haven't mentioned, but hopefully this was somewhat helpful. ^_^
That was extremely helpful Oblivia! And thanks everyone :) I figured it was probably wasn't a set time/date haha