When is TBT having it's Spring Skin on?

The skins usually change when the seasons do so usually they get updated in March, June, September, and December.
Sorry, if it is a stupid question, but is there anyone that could do some Skinning for me, I only need one Skin, it's a Animal Crossing Summer Skin?

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I don't want to have to do the 50 posts, because I need it in 11 days, and it'll take me more than 11 days to get the 50th post. :no:

JasonBurrows said:
I don't want to have to do the 50 posts, because I need it in 11 days, and it'll take me more than 11 days to get the 50th post. :no:

It shouldn't take you 2 days to get 50 posts. Just talk to other members in general chats and comment on skins and graphics. Before you know it you should have it.
Not really. Not here anyways.


Now I get it PM. :lol: