Senior Member
When is TBT having it's Spring Skin put on by you Administrators?
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It shouldn't take you 2 days to get 50 posts. Just talk to other members in general chats and comment on skins and graphics. Before you know it you should have it.JasonBurrows said:I don't want to have to do the 50 posts, because I need it in 11 days, and it'll take me more than 11 days to get the 50th post. :no:
You should still have it before 11 days.JasonBurrows said:Will I need to have 100 Posts for two Skins.
Try a dirtier word for "S"Jman said:So Out Of LuckJasonBurrows said:What does S.O.L mean?
or Sadly Outta Luck
or Sooner Or Later
:wacko: Too many definitions