When you don't care much for a Villager...

It's weird how you get attached to the villagers. I got Flora and didn't like her as much. Preferred Gladys or another bird. But after two months, waiting for her to ask to move out, I suddenly can't let her go. When she wiggles her little feathered tail, and when she moves her cute little round head, I just cant.

On the other hand, I got Marina, and thought I'd like her, because she looks like a plastic toy pet. Nope, didn't like her. She's really cute though.
Was Marina just not interesting to you beyond her being cute? I think that is how I feel about Fuchsia...
I've made so many edits to my list of "permanent villagers". I've had some villagers who I thought were dreamies, but then realized they didn't suit my island after a while. I've also had some villagers who I was planning to let move out, but then got attached. I also think it's fun to try out many different villagers before you pick your top 10.
I've experienced this with villagers I really wanted on my island. for example, I love Merengue, still do, but I found myself wanting other normal villagers and I didn't care if she left.

I planned on booting out all of my first five villagers at some point, but I've grown to really like Boomer so I may keep him.
Was Marina just not interesting to you beyond her being cute? I think that is how I feel about Fuchsia...
Idk. It's hard to say. I used to squeal everytime some youtubers showed her off in their videos. But when I have her, it's just meh.
Most of these come from New Leaf, but I'm happy to share what I remember. Apologies in advance for how long this is going to be, lol.

Stitches is the one that really stands out. I remember he first moved in and I loathed him with every fiber of my being. But he grew on me A LOT and very quickly. I was sad when he moved away. He was the second to give me his pic after Miranda, but getting a pic in the mail after he moved hit a little different for me. There’s also the fact that I tried really hard to get a pic from him when he was there and he wouldn’t give me one as opposed to Miranda who was just giving them away. I remember not playing the game for a few days afterward.

Frita. Due to an “accident” that may or may not have involved time traveling, I lost my previous Uchi and was desperate to find a replacement. She was available, so I adopted her. It took about a week for me to realize I was not feeling her design whatsoever. Luckily she moved out pretty quickly.

Merengue. She moved into my town via Streetpass. I wasn’t into her at first, but she grew on me quite a bit. I liked a little more than Midge who was my Normal villager before her.

Julian. I never had him in my town, but I do remember visiting a town with him in it for signatures. Although he's considered super popular, I wasn't impressed. He's actually my least favorite of the smug villagers, like I would take Pietro over Julian any day, and I don't care for Pietro either. He ended up moving to my island and I wanted to throw him into the sea. I was hoping he would leave of his own volition so I could trade him for something, but dude was being ultra stubborn, so I had to pull out my binder of amiibo cards and force him out.

Freya. I had her for a short time thinking she would be a good alternative to Whitney, who I considered a dreamie but was hard to get at the time due to her popularity (this was pre-amiibo cards, btw). Ended up not really caring for her in the long run. Sorry Freya, you just don’t compare.

Hans. During the New Leaf days I was very anti-gorilla villagers. It wasn’t until Pocket Camp that I started growing to like Hans. As of now, he’s the only gorilla villager I like.

After Frita left, I replaced her with Diva. Although she gets a bad rap, I ended up liking her more than I thought I would. She one of my faves.

Dobie falls into the category of I saw pictures of him and liked him at first, but then I saw him in the flesh and didn’t like him as much. I felt this way when I had him move into a second town I was creating at the time. Drago also falls into this category. My friend managed to get him so I visited to see him in the flesh and he ended up being one of my least favorite Lazy villagers. As I’m writing this, I start to think about the new villagers that were introduced in New Horizons/Pocket Camp, and I actually feel this way about Audie, Reneigh and Dom, especially Dom. The faces he makes sometimes are very off-putting to me.
I have Fuchsia on my island. I thought her design was interesting and I thought the Uchi personality reflected her. But honestly I don't care for her as much as I thought I would??
:LOL: The challenge of knowing yourself...:LOL:
I was curious if others have experienced things like this. I also wanted to know, when you don't care much for a Villager on your island, how long does it typically take for you to know if they will grow on you or if you simply just don't care for them? And what are your general stories of liking/disliking villagers you did not expect?


I had Beardo on my past island without choice lol and of course, like many people, I thought I would not like him at all. However I love him now. Fuchsia I feel is a different story because I at least find her cute from the get-go. Beardo took like a month or 2 before I liked him.
Uchi wise, I also had Sylvia before and liked her more than I thought I would.. And Canberra I didn't like as much as I thought I would but I still like her. I realized these in 2 weeks. So far I still like both more than Fuchsia. I've had Fuchsia for about 2 weeks.

Maybe I am just stuck on the fact that I really like Shari but want to meet other Uchi's too.

I love Shari. She's so hated on and I don't understand whyyyy. She's so cute with her lil monkey faaace.
Shes easily my favorite uchi so far. Shes a grouch but i love her

OMG same! She came to my town in New Leaf forever ago and her and Lobo were ALWAYS hanging out and sitting on benches together and then in Pocket Camp they're always interacting with the same things and around each other. When New Horizons came out I was so excited to scan them both in and plop their houses next to each other. They're my little married couple always bickering and annoying each other.

She is so adorable and sassy. It hurts my heart a little when I see people being mean to her lol she's so funny.
OMG same! She came to my town in New Leaf forever ago and her and Lobo were ALWAYS hanging out and sitting on benches together and then in Pocket Camp they're always interacting with the same things and around each other. When New Horizons came out I was so excited to scan them both in and plop their houses next to each other. They're my little married couple always bickering and annoying each other.

She is so adorable and sassy. It hurts my heart a little when I see people being mean to her lol she's so funny.
She was my starter on my first island. She was always picking on my other villagers and me. Id talk to her the first or second time in one day and she'd be like is this island not big enough for the both of us. She'd also try to convince Vic to smash his phone with a rock. Lol! But after i got a full island she was always concerned about someone picking on me. She eventually stopped being grouchy with me and instead follow me around the island singing. She sang ALL THE TIME. And it would last for a million years a session.