You buy starts from Leif on Harv’s Island.
This is part of the 2.0 Update from early-November 2021.
100,000 bells each for Kicks; Redd; Leif; Reese/Cyrus; Tortimer/Cornimer; Saharah; and Katrina. Total 700,000 bells in all. One per day in getting them to set up their side businesses.
Leif sells all the starts for Wheat (Flour); Sugar Cane (Sugar); Pumpkin; Carrot; Potato; and Tomato. 280 each. 1,400 for 5.
Purchase them. Plant them. Use a gold can if you want them to give three each to be picked just after they are fully grown.
The food items, for cooking, are from DIY cards. They have numerous for purchase in Nook’s Cranny. Each day, there should be one villager who you catch in the middle of cooking. That villager can give you a DIY card for a recipe that may be new for you. Also: the restaurant on "Happy Home Paradise” island includes a chef who will also give you a DIY recipe card as you speak with him/her.
You have a lot to look forward to.