• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Where do you lay on the political spectrum?

Where do you lay, politically?

  • Far-left

    Votes: 15 21.7%
  • Left-ish

    Votes: 30 43.5%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Center-left

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Centrist

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Center-right

    Votes: 4 5.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Right-ish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Far-right

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Apolitical/Nonpolitical

    Votes: 18 26.1%

  • Total voters


Dec 16, 2012
Throwback Tickets
Rad Bunny Balloon
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Patch
Perfect Peach
Asteroid Plush
Camp Bell Tree 2023 Patch
Tetris Grid
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Gold Trophy (First Place)
Rainbow Feather
I'm just looking to see, numbers-wise, where users here lay on the political spectrum. So, in order to prevent people fighting and to fight a potential "shameful voter" effect, I'm going to keep results private.

I also ask that nobody actually debates politics in the comments.
Used to be further to the right (like at the conservative option), but after seeing how the GOP and right-winged outlets have changed, I’m now center-right.
Going with left-ish—in the US I'd probably be considered a "radical leftist" by at least some, but I know in a lot of other countries I'd probably only be somewhat left of center.
im not sure exactly, but i got called a communist once for asking a customer to wear a mask.

pretty far left.
I feel like I'm in the middle because I have rooted for the libertarian party sometimes and now days with so many extremists on both of the right and left coming out of the woodwork, I have been siding with libertarian with every chance get practically.
Not happy with my Nation and proposed paths advocated.
Somewhere on the left but I don’t like actively following, I just try to keep up enough to have an idea of whats happening
I honestly don't even know what half of the options mean since I try to avoid politics. I just know I'm definitely not on the right.
Liberal, in american terms. But in australia the Liberal party is actually the conservative one which is just wild

edit: wait I might be far-left actually

edit: man IDK i'm just gonna change my vote to left-ish
Liberal, in american terms. But in australia the Liberal party is actually the conservative one which is just wild

edit: wait I might be far-left actually
I don’t know how true this is but I heard the Americans actually kinda mixed it up and in most of the world historically liberal was the term for the right, can anyone confirm

it’s one of those things i’ve been curious about since I heard but didn’t want to look up
I don’t know how true this is but I heard the Americans actually kinda mixed it up and in most of the world historically liberal was the term for the right, can anyone confirm

it’s one of those things i’ve been curious about since I heard but didn’t want to look up

Liberal was traditionally used to describe libertarians, who traditionally have been a rightwing movement, yes.
By US standards, I'm "far" left. But the US's political system is skewed far right. In a more sane nation, I'd likely be centrist - leaning left. The US is just so messed up right now that basic decency is considered far left, and true far left has no presence in our government. In fact, I'm left wondering what it even is. It's mythological in the US. LOL.
I don’t know how true this is but I heard the Americans actually kinda mixed it up and in most of the world historically liberal was the term for the right, can anyone confirm

it’s one of those things i’ve been curious about since I heard but didn’t want to look up
The libertarian party is like a middle ground and individual candidates can have a left slant or a right slant but they don't fit in the Right or Left categories.
I always vote Democraft and thus left-wing, only because the two party system in the U.S. sucks. I have several beliefs/values that don't fit conveniently in the boxes of U.S. left-wing or right-wing politics.

I usually just call myself a marxist feminist and leave it at that, unless I feel comfortable that the person I'm talking to isn't going to go off the rails if we disagree about something. I voted apolitical because, while my politics are important to me, I got burnt out at as a young adult being involved with them and am more private with them.