This is my first time being able to vote in an election, but oh golly... tough one. Can't say I'd ever see myself voting Conservative. Probably will have to do some strategic voting, even if it's not for my favourite party.
As someone who's not Canadian and has not paid particular interest to Canadian elections until this one, I enjoy the debate format a lot more than how the United States has done this election cycle. It's so much more organized (actually having a timer for each speaking point) and interesting (having candidates asking other candidates questions). The United States debates have just been five people talking over one another and the moderators failing to keep everyone under control. Other than this Maxine dude, this Canadian debate has been very civil.
Sorry for the giant annoying text. But it's true -- advanced voting is open starting today and you can vote on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday this weekend!! Polls are open from 9am to 9pm local time everywhere.
i just voted! if you're legal age to vote but haven't registered still, you can register at the polling station! you can also vote with a voucher if you don't have all the required documents to vote - i still haven't gotten my new ID with my address so my mom vouched for me, all i needed was my health card