where do you live?

Eastern PA, USA....near the Poconos. Originally from Western Massachusetts though.
I live in Ohio! Pretty quaint place if I do say so myself. I've always lived comfortably here. No issues, except how low minimum wage is LOL. Probably because cost of living is sorta average? I'm not too educated on these things though.

I've always lived in Ohio. Never lived anywhere else. It's pretty nice here, I think! I've made a lot of friends from all over the world though just by accessing the internet, so there are a few places I'd like to live considering where I've traveled (thus far).
I live in Ohio too! also never lived anywhere else. It's not too bad, but I do wanna see other places. My sisters both moved to California, I wouldn't mind living on the west coast too, maybe Seattle!
I live in the netherlands and it's pretty fun here the only bad thing I can think of are the bad weather in autumn and that there are so many dialects.
Oh my partner is from the Netherlands and I hope to move there next year! Love the place, personally from Scotland so we share the bad weather.
Singapore, one of the tiniest countries in the world.

I don't think there's any other Singaporean in this forum. Not saying that it makes me some special snowflake or anything, but I think it's for the best, since I don't like much of the Singaporean attitude. They're kinda stuck-up.

I mean, I'm not Singaporean, but I spend a looot of my time there since I'm married to a Singaporean + he plays animal crossing as well - I think he has a profile on here he never uses, lol.
In the uk! I currently live in the North East uk, but I lived in various parts of the South, including London before moving up here just before covid hit. I like that there's snow in the winter, that was much rarer down south.
Formerly lived in Pennsylvania, moved up north into the New England region six years ago. It feels much more colder, but I adore the rural living and how unkempt the scenery is. All natural.
I live in California, USA, and I actually don't really like it here, sure we are near the beach and all, but it's so expensive, gas is 5 dollars sometimes skyrocketing to 7 dollars. When I live on my own I'm probably going to move to Oregon.