Where will you live?

Definetly near the ocean

:D . Do you know how many bells I made off of all of the fishing trips I made there...you probably don't, but I made a lot. If I live right next to it, I can store all of my fish in my house

:D . and I can try out these sunglasses:

B) , j/k.
Now that I think about it, i might wanna live by the cafe`...if I can listen to KK any time I want to.
Woah, we get to choose where we live!?!? That's awesum! I never knew that!

I don't know where I'll live... maybe near Tom Nook's place, so that I can get to his shop fast every day!

I don't know... Depends on the map... Probably somewhere that makes traveling at easy access, so if Nook stays up where he is, near him.
Well you cant really live where you want but there are choices they are:
Town Hall
I think thats it.
What? Oh... I did not know that that question determined where you live... >_<

I thought it was an ordinary question.


I picked Shopping...
I picked beach, but I just noticed I am living in the middle of the town kinda by Nook's, that's weird. I can't believe I haven't noticed that >_< .