Aug 12, 2005 #22 Ƒ ƒish Retired Staff Joined Feb 6, 2005 Posts 8,281 Bells 1,340 right under the Waterfall its going to be awsome.
Aug 12, 2005 #23 Jeremy Not an actual piece of furniture. Staff Administrator Site Owner Joined Nov 7, 2004 Posts 29,931 Bells 80,643 Island Númenor PIRANHA2 said: right under the Waterfall its going to be awsome. Click to expand... Under... as on in the river? :lol:
PIRANHA2 said: right under the Waterfall its going to be awsome. Click to expand... Under... as on in the river? :lol:
Oct 16, 2005 #25 S Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 Retired Staff Joined Dec 28, 2004 Posts 10,984 Bells 950 I would say near the waterfall. Also, this topic is still discussable, I was thinking about it yesterday. So, it's okay to bump.
I would say near the waterfall. Also, this topic is still discussable, I was thinking about it yesterday. So, it's okay to bump.
Oct 16, 2005 #26 T THEBOBINATOR Senior Member Joined Feb 25, 2005 Posts 1,783 Bells 2,210 If there are mini islands (in the river) I would be on one of those. mabey... I will have to look at the map...
If there are mini islands (in the river) I would be on one of those. mabey... I will have to look at the map...
Oct 16, 2005 #27 T Tennis=Life Senior Member Joined Oct 6, 2005 Posts 7,463 Bells 1,050 Definetly near the ocean . Do you know how many bells I made off of all of the fishing trips I made probably don't, but I made a lot. If I live right next to it, I can store all of my fish in my house . and I can try out these sunglasses: B) , j/k.
Definetly near the ocean . Do you know how many bells I made off of all of the fishing trips I made probably don't, but I made a lot. If I live right next to it, I can store all of my fish in my house . and I can try out these sunglasses: B) , j/k.
Oct 16, 2005 #28 DarthGohan1 TBT Old Timer Retired Staff Joined Jul 31, 2005 Posts 13,733 Bells 318 Now that I think about it, i might wanna live by the cafe`...if I can listen to KK any time I want to.
Now that I think about it, i might wanna live by the cafe`...if I can listen to KK any time I want to.
Oct 16, 2005 #29 H helmsdeep Junior Member Joined Oct 16, 2005 Posts 15 Bells 1,050 Woah, we get to choose where we live!?!? That's awesum! I never knew that! I don't know where I'll live... maybe near Tom Nook's place, so that I can get to his shop fast every day!
Woah, we get to choose where we live!?!? That's awesum! I never knew that! I don't know where I'll live... maybe near Tom Nook's place, so that I can get to his shop fast every day!
Oct 26, 2005 #30 S Soccerboy8033 Senior Member Joined Oct 26, 2005 Posts 643 Bells 1,425 I'll definitely live on the beach. B)
Oct 26, 2005 #31 M MasterDS Senior Member Joined Jul 1, 2005 Posts 1,115 Bells 1,434 I don't know... Depends on the map... Probably somewhere that makes traveling at easy access, so if Nook stays up where he is, near him.
I don't know... Depends on the map... Probably somewhere that makes traveling at easy access, so if Nook stays up where he is, near him.
Oct 26, 2005 #32 M Monkey09 Senior Member Joined Jul 13, 2005 Posts 915 Bells 1,428 Well you cant really live where you want but there are choices they are: Beach Nooks Town Hall Museum I think thats it.
Well you cant really live where you want but there are choices they are: Beach Nooks Town Hall Museum I think thats it.
Dec 20, 2005 #33 S SL92 Senior Member Joined Dec 12, 2005 Posts 4,802 Bells 1,334 Next to the museum or.... umm.... :blink: dunno. I dont have it yet. :'(
Dec 20, 2005 #34 link2398 Ancient Member Joined Jul 27, 2005 Posts 420 Bells 600 if those are the choices then the beach is for me.
Dec 20, 2005 #35 M MarioLuigi7654 Senior Member Joined Nov 3, 2005 Posts 231 Bells 1,050 What? Oh... I did not know that that question determined where you live... >_< I thought it was an ordinary question. I picked Shopping...
What? Oh... I did not know that that question determined where you live... >_< I thought it was an ordinary question. I picked Shopping...
Dec 20, 2005 #36 S SL92 Senior Member Joined Dec 12, 2005 Posts 4,802 Bells 1,334 Oh, and I might live by the beach.
Dec 20, 2005 #37 T Tennis=Life Senior Member Joined Oct 6, 2005 Posts 7,463 Bells 1,050 I picked beach, but I just noticed I am living in the middle of the town kinda by Nook's, that's weird. I can't believe I haven't noticed that >_< .
I picked beach, but I just noticed I am living in the middle of the town kinda by Nook's, that's weird. I can't believe I haven't noticed that >_< .