... Why? I'm speaking for myself here and probably the vast majority but, you do realise some people can dislike other people just because they do? Some people dislike other celebrities because of how they treat other people, or because they say or do gross things, or simply because they dislike their music or the content they put out into the public (although I agree in that seems like wasted energy to just "hate" another celebrity). Not because they are jealous of their lifestyle. Kind of a shallow thing to assume.
In my opinion, I dislike them because they are mostly famous for doing... Practically nothing? They are famous because they are rich and good looking. Nothing wrong with that, I just get sick and tired of seeing them around everywhere when there are plenty of other people out there who work harder than they do and do so many better things than they do, and are completely ignored, because they don't have that same typical Kardashian "look" or they don't have the money. I get it, people are lucky if they are recognised (although we know the Kardashian fame kind of stems from somewhere in particular - nvll said that ^^) in the first place, but what annoys me more is their disconnection from reality. They are so ignorant and trapped in their own little bubble 9 times out of 10. Kylie is constantly appropriating fashions and trends from other cultures, and somehow it is claimed as her own, and it is all known about how Kylie "started" the trend, when actually people were doing it long before she ever was. Cultural appropriation is kind of a strange thing anyway (and I don't wanna start an argument on it). I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with her engaging with these trends or cultures, but only if she recognises what it can mean to other people and if she actually makes it obvious she's aware of that, otherwise it can come across as insensitive. Also, I think I read somewhere about Kendall(? god idk who it is they kind of all look and do the same things anyway) having a modelling job, and Kylie posted a birthday message for her saying "Kendall has found it so hard, flying to Paris to do this modelling job, she has worked so hard, she's been so homesick and she's had to miss out on so much family time, but it's all been worth it", like, they are so detached from reality it's insane. That's why I dislike them. I don't hate them at all, I don't know them personally, and I try not to judge other people or dislike other people I don't know, but they are just EVERYWHERE, it's almost impossible to avoid them. It might sound like jealousy but, honestly, I wouldn't want to live a life like theirs, and I wouldn't want to be as disconnected from reality and as ignorant as them.