Which characters did you get in your first pack ever?

N a t

In the name of the Moon, Indeedaroo!
Feb 15, 2015
Sheep Plush
Blue Star Fragment
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Yellow Star Fragment
Sheep Plush
Pink Hybrid Rose
Blue Hybrid Rose
Red Rose
Yellow Rose
White Rose
I got my first pack in the mail from a giveaway my friend held on a live stream. I just got the game a couple days ago, and have made decent progress. The card I got with my game was Luna, so that was nice. Then this card pack arrives at my house, and inside of it I find Peanut, Opal, Shari, Bella, and ISABELLE! Isabelle and KK were the two special characters that I wanted more then any other, so I felt more then blessed when her cute face started creeping out from behind the others! I was legitimately jumping and screeching lol. Anyways, back on topic, who all was hiding in that first card pack of yours? Feel free to also tell me which card came with your game! :D
I ended up getting Kiki, Benjamin, Tom Nook, Bunnie, Gigi and Jitters in my first pack. Not too bad. I love Bunnie! <3
I ended up getting Kiki, Benjamin, Tom Nook, Bunnie, Gigi and Jitters in my first pack. Not too bad. I love Bunnie! <3
Not bad at all! I'm jealous that you got Bunnie! Lol, I was probably just gonna buy her individually on eBay or something. I actually don't wanna trade my current cards. I love them <3
My first pack contained Pascal, Bangle and Cyrano. I can't remember my first NA pack because it was midnight and I was too excited lol
I got two packs to start! First one had Sable, Kiki and Chief, second one had DJ KK, Eunice and Cole
I was pretty happy :p
I've bought more packs since, and the one card I've really wanted since the first, Pascal, I still don't have! I have all the other specials! Ahh.
My first pack had Cole, Cheri and Isabelle. Cole was the first one I saw and he's one of my favourites. =D

But my most memorable packs are getting Pascal, Clyde and Octavian in 2 packs, one after the other. I was not impressed.
DJ K.K., Bertha, Kiki, Eunice, Midge, and Curt. :cool:

Oh, my copy of HHD came with Luna.
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Oh man Jingle two Pascal?
Any chance you're looking for any to trade? I have a post on it - link in my sig...
I'd be very grateful! :eek:
Pancetti, Bill, and Digby. :)

Then later that day got a second Digby with my console bundle. :p
Pancetti, Bill, and Digby. :)

Then later that day got a second Digby with my console bundle. :p
I bought two packs at once :) My starter card was Timmy and in the packs I bought I got Isabelle, Lyle, Goose, Gruff, Deena, Winnie, Cheri, Chief, Biff, Lopez, Nate, and Deli.
I just read everyone's posts, as I was afk for a while, and it seems that alot of you got EU packs first. Mine was obviously US since it contained 5 cards :eek:
With he game I got Kapp'n
First pack had Eunice, Kyle and Joan
Second pack which I got with the first had Cherry, Kyle and Digby
I have no idea because I got 2 packs and my memory sort of just blurs together what I got. But my faves were: Bunnie, Octavian, Lopez, Mint, Kabuki, Luna, and Harriet!
I just read everyone's posts, as I was afk for a while, and it seems that alot of you got EU packs first. Mine was obviously US since it contained 5 cards :eek:

a lot of people imported Japanese packs as well so also only 3 cards
a lot of people imported Japanese packs as well so also only 3 cards

I thought only EU had 3-card packs :eek: I wasn't able to get any cards before hand, and apparently my Best Buy hasn't even gotten cards yet?
I had six packs to start off with so I don't really remember who was in my first pack but I know I got Snake, Gigi, Kyle, Resetti, Joan, Cobb, Gruff, Biff, Sable, Isabelle, Deli, Opal, Portia, Octavian, Saharah, Redd, Sterling and Diana. :)