Which features do you wish for New Horizons?

I wish there was some sort of outdoor decorator like we get in the houses, at the very least for turning things around. Like I have this narrow valley where I want to put up climbing walls but I want them faced inward so the back panel is the part that shows but there's not enough room to turn them around through rotation and you can only place them where they're facing you. I have to destroy and rebuild one side of my cliff if I want them facing the way I want.
I'd love to be able to craft multiple things at once, and then get the chance to customise it if I want to afterwards too. I'd also love to make visiting islands and people visiting me more streamlined. Also I'd like more variety in the types of random island you get from NMT, like not 2 types of fruit, or 2 types of flowers or rarely hybrids :D
More design slots would be nice, if it would work like the storage expansion with nook miles.

More furniture would be nice, especially plants. Love some more indoor plants.

Plus some little tweaks like, purchasing multiple items at the ables, crafting in bulk and having a little symbol of where water/cliff scaping is.

Honestly any little update would be appreciated...
1. Shop Upgrades
2. More Apps for Nook Phone
3. Being able to bulk craft
4. Have new things to do each day (Not just doing Nook Mile Tasks) and get different rewards other than nook miles
5. Have the villagers give you a job to do (this was in the original GameCube)
6. More Furniture and More variety of customization
7. Have more Customization Slots
8. Resident Services Upgrade (Tom Nook and Isabelle don't really do much and with an upgrade they can do much more)
9. Have better online (Add new online modes and cut down on the loading screens whenever someone is leaving or coming)
10. Bring back old NPCs (Brewster, Gracie, Dr Shrunk, etc) these characters were so memorable
I really wished the upcoming updates had more to do with quality of life and new features than just event-related updates that you can only enjoy for 1 day... I'll take anything and everything lol
i want new hairstyles! i know we already have a ton but theres still some hairtypes that arent really in the game yet.

like the hair this girl has just.... doesnt really exist in the game lol! also i want more parting options. theres no good options for a middle part :(
customization is always something that can be expanded though. id really love to see a top-down camera for placing furniture outside like we have indoors, it would just have to be done in acres or in smaller sections. also rugs outside. a little silly that you cant place rugs. and clothes when theyre not on the mannequin. like i just want to be able to place the imitation cow skull on the ground without the stupid ugly mannequin underneath of it its really harshing my vibes tbh
Being able to organise your pockets by type!! I always think this would be great. Also, you CAN favourite designers at ables!!
> As far as things i would like to see I would say:

  • More vegetables to plant and cultivate but I would also like for them to be seasonable, meaning that, weather would affect their productivity AK: no pumpkin production during winter.

  • Absolutely need BREWSTER ( sorry for those bored of reading this hehe) with new implementations like seasonal drinks and foods only available in that specific season. I want to be able to go for drinks and for food like cake for example, It would be also pretty cute not just to work there as: waiter like in NL but also paster through mini games maybe even let us create new recopy and see if pp like them or not. Also it would be sweet if we could go with our villagers to have something to eat or drink.

  • More bridges and more inclines like 20 of each, no one would probably use that much but there are there in case you want it.

  • To be able to put bridges between cliffs PLUS like custom designs to the sides of the cliffs and the sides of the river

  • Following in on the first point, i would like flowers to be seasonal, so flowers which are not meant to bloom in winter they would not, they would just look like a green plant.

  • The ability to cook different drinks and dishes like soup, or pizza 🤤 or many more through mini game cooking game interactions. Not only that but to be able to eat food and maybe get special boost by certain dishes or depending on the dish quality also to be able to gift food.

  • More functional furniture, like i have an expresso machine in my kitchen, Why cant I just make my self an expresso to drink in my kitchen or just to go !?, this is just an example in overall I want more functional furniture like I want to be able to ride in the tea-cup fair or in the bouncy horse etc.

  • I know not everyone has payed for the internet subscription but for the ones who have, maybe implement new gaming systems for when players are together, cause there is absolutely nothing to do apart from catch fish, sea creature or bugs.

  • More depth to characters personalities types and how they express, show and interact with each other

  • The ability to decorate our villagers housing

  • The ability to own and have a pet to care and train if it is applicable. I know many people dont like this cause they say our villagers represent rational animals BUT what about the caged hamster and the puppy plush ? I wish we could start with Cats, dogs and fish tanks adding a whole need dimension and playability to the game which would add depth.

  • Would love to see how the weather affected us, like, if its sunny and we walk with out a hat, or sun-umbrella or ( suns-screen? ) we get tan and could get tan lines depending on our clothing, that we could actually sunbathe. Also if we go out in the winter in shorts or tank top that we could go blue and shiver till we worm up etc. Basically more realistic interactions with the weather.

  • Implement hobbies not just for our character but for everyone, like maybe since we have a beach: sand sculpin and paddle surfing or other such as painting, using the sports stuff we have case we sporty, mud sculpin. This hobbies could be seasonal related too like been able to go sleighing or like snow/skii-ing etc. Basically a kind of hobby/activities people can do

  • Have the ability to center things, meaning, when you are decorating your home for example if you put a table i want to be able to put my small candle in the middle of the freaking table and in the sides a cup of coffee or something, you know what I mean ?Also Why are there no hanging lights or plants so we can put them hanging off the ceiling.

  • Shops upgrades to have more clothing ( upgraded version of label ) and more furniture by also introducing Gracie

  • Bulk crafting

  • Expand Harveys are to include like a town where we can shop special things and implement some other activities, like how we had the shopping are in NL.

--> I know somethings are a bit too specific or too broad but what i try to mean is i would love to see something of the kind. For me i believe it is extremely important to mix new game dynamics as well as be able to re-introduce old functions of other series with a new twist to them.
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I LOVE the idea of visiting a shopping district on the mainland or another island. I didn't even think of that. That would be so fun!

- More villagers to live on the island.
- More inclines.
- More bridges.
- A bigger island.
- Continued support and upgrades for the game, much like Pocket Camp. And I would totally be willing to pay for DLC if that is what it takes for Nintendo to continue to support and upgrade the game, such as a DLC to expand your island and have more villagers, etc.
Hopefully after the Super Mario event, we'll get more Nintendo items. I've seen past games with tons of Nintendo items! Or even cool villagers inspired by Nintendo characters again like I seen from NL.
More than anything I want the ability to fix the layout/decor of my villagers' houses. If I give them clothing and they decide to display it, I want to be able to help them understand how closets work, haha!

My dream is a future update that integrates some of the Happy Home Designer elements into gameplay in this way. I think it will add a much more enriching gaming experience. Fingers crossed. I know it's a long shot.
  • All the NPCs to come back! Katrina, Dr. Shrunk, you name it.
  • Some items from New Leaf like the Illuminated heart that I strongly beleive should come back for Valentines day and the Wisteria Trellis.
  • More design slots maybe unlimited.
  • A BIG improvement on the ABD (or whatever it's called) machine where we can order more than 5 items, as well as access it in another island like you could New Leaf to access money or buy items that are their varients for that day.
  • More storage because you can never have enough.
  • Lockers that can be accessed everywhere.
  • Anything to stop the backwards and forwards on any feature LOL
  • I want to be able to go to Abel's and buy multiple pieces of clothing without leaving the changing room. I like to buy different colours etc.
  • A choice to craft out of the storage or your pockets as well as to make the most ammount that you can make with the supplies you have (Although I do know spamming A makes the crafting go faster but my poor A button lol).
  • Also a little nitpick, I think it's over due and they need to program the boundaries on some items and definetely the fences a bit better.
  • To have villagers visit maybe even sleep overs like a small little event thing like mini games!
  • Mini games! More with the villagers but also so you can play more and do more with your friends.
  • Buy villager's items/furniture like you could in previous games whether like New Leaf or Flea Day in Wild World.