Which is the cutest Perfect Fruit? ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ

Which is the cutest Perfect Fruit?

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I voted for cherries as I had a special variety of cherries (Rainier) in real life that looked a lot like the perfect ones.

They were super tasty too.
My favourite is the perfect peach, which just so happens to be my favourite regular fruit as well! I just love how shiny and elegant the perfect peaches look! They look like something youโ€™d see growing in some magical kingdom fr ๐Ÿ‘โœจ
I like the look of all the perfect fruits, but the pear and orange are a bit off. It's hard to decide, it's a tie between the cherry, peach, and apple. The peach has a nice gold luster to it as do the cherries, and the apple's details come out more vividly. But the perfect pear has a sickly color imo and the orange looks weird with the growth.
The perfect fruit for me is apples I always kinda thought it looked like a shiny toffee apple haha
I'm partial to the perfect peaches! The gold fruit is really pretty, and pairs well with the pink of the normal fruit!
My second favorite is the perfect cherry. The lovely gold ombre to it looks really yummy!
I love the perfect cherries. The ombre is just gorgeous.
I voted for apples because they look so sparkly.
Apples are definitely the cutest! The oranges look whack lol
I love the perfect apple the most bc it just looks like a shiny red

although I like eating sumo oranges, I just donโ€™t like the perfect orange for some reason ๐Ÿ˜”

I really like peaches but the golden peach just looks like a golden butt ahaha
apple and cherry. i like how apples look like glazed/candy apples with sparkles and the cherries look like theyre dipped in gold
Admittedly I don't care too much for the perfect fruit, but the perfect apple would be my favorite of the bunch due to its color! Cherries would be next, then pears/peaches are all alright. Orange is just weird, lol. I'm not really sure of my favorite fruit regularly, but it's definitely different from my perfect fruit ordering, lol.
I love the perfect peach because its gold :p
I think peaches and cherries are the best two. I always thought the perfect orange was weird in the game but oddly I do really like it in collectible form!