Which older AC do you recommend?


*insert Pikmin noises*
Jan 21, 2014
My Melody Easter Egg
Tricolored Puppy Plush
I am going to GameStop tomorrow and I'm trading in one game (and using some of my boyfriend's credit) to purchase an older AC game. I never had the chance to play any of the other games and I would like to experience them for myself. Especially because I feel like I'm missing out, lol. My boyfriend did give me his copy of AC:pG, but it doesn't want to to work. :( I was just seeing which game you guys would recommend? I also see graphics from the older games and they all seem very charming. I've been watching LPs of WW and CF; is one better than the other? They both seem lovely. Is PG better than those two? (Is it PG or just plain AC...?)

Forgive my ignorance on the matter, lol. I didn't get to play games much when I was younger.
The original.
It had a lot of charm and novelties that the later games seem to loose after a while.
Though grinding for money in that game is....terrible.
Population growing is the "original" animal crossing, for GameCube. I know GameStop near me doesn't sell games for GameCube or normal DS, so you might only be able to get city folk. I would recommend getting the original because wild world is just like an older version of new leaf and city folk is pretty old, and you can't visit people or anything anymore and I find the wii controls to be really odd, there are also some pet peeves I find about it.
Animal Crossing 1: The Battle Begins

LOL I'm just joking. Even though I didn't play the original, I recommend that.
I aMy boyfriend did give me his copy of AC:pG, but it doesn't want to to work. :(

That 's too bad. Did you try it on an original Gamecube or on a Wii?

The original.
It had a lot of charm and novelties that the later games seem to loose after a while.
Though grinding for money in that game is....terrible.

Because of how hard it is? I actually like that, later games gave you too many easy ways to become rich.
I'm sure a majority of the community disagrees, but my friend and I really really love ACCF! There's something about the city that we just adore. It's WAAAAAY better than Main Street! It has a better layout and you could talk to many villagers.
If you have a big imagination that prevents you from being bored easily, try Animal Crossing for the gamecube. Or try City Folk. Wild world sucks in my opinion.
City Folk isn't here today and I'm impatient to wait for a new one. Which is weird because we always have like, 3 copies in stock.
ACWW is here though. The struggle.
People say WW and ACCF are practically the same thing, so I'd wait for ACCF.

but accf is waaaaay better B)
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I ended up getting WW; it was there and I honestly just wanted to have either game to experience things for myself.
I played it for an hour and I love it already. My starters are Tipper, Peanut, and Samson. :)
I tried it on my Wii; it worked on his Gamecube though.

It is a Wii that plays Gamecube right? Just want to make sure you're not trying to play GC games with a Wii that doesn't play GC with a Wii remote. That doesn't work lol.

But the main question being between CF & WW, I think it just depends on which system you want to play it on. Playing CF may be slightly more beneficial if you play a Wii or WiiU a lot. If you have a WiiU then you can play off TV on the gamepad, granted still with Wii controls only, as the gamepad just turns into a small TV, but it can revive old games in a new way. But if you use a 3DS/DS a lot then go with WW. I personally liked WW better, but I'm starting to miss CF more now.
i hope you enjoy wild world!
i remember i have a huge mansion in it, but my town is covered in weeds and i can't stand the graphics anymore ^^;;
I personally really enjoyed Wild World. I got to experience the GameCube version a bit when I rented it once upon a time. (Though I was naive and thought I could be content with playing it for the several days that I had rented it) I recommend Wild World because, like New Leaf, it's portable. You can take it anywhere with you and it's just so casual. Like you can just lay down and play or move to another room or place easily without having to worry about saving since you can just close your DS. So yeah, Wild World is my pick.
Chevre's moving in and I've been catching fish a lot easier now. :)
Since the internet has been shut off, I won't be able to update my Nook's shop, will I? Or am I mistaken?
That was the only thing I was worried about with WW.