I told my friend last night that I’m considering adding Stella to my island, having her join Dom, my other sheep. I then asked if it would be too much of a conflict to have two pink sheep on the same island.
And what did she say? “Oh, Stella is cuter than Dom anyway.”
I never heard such blasphemy in my life. What do you guys think?
I don't care for any sheep tbh except Willow but I like the colors of Stella and her face more. Dom has weird eyes to me and I simply don't get the appeal.
I think Stella has very pretty colors. Purple has always been my favorite color. But Dom is so expressive, I love his little cry baby face. So my vote goes to Dom.
I looove Dom and want him so bad! I feel that his coloring is more cohesive and the shades of purple and goldish horns Stella has kind of clash. It's like she's got a blush face and magenta body. I still think she's super cute, but Dom all the way!