Japan in the 16th and early 17th century. I've been fascinated with this time period for seven years and the obsession just seems to keep growing with time rather than fading.
I like the pirate era that seems cool, when I was younger I always wished I could battle with swords (it just seemed cool). Probably any time era with swords I like. lol
The future. Klaus Nomi once said that the future is now and it's our job to create that future. So, I find the future quite interesting. It's interesting to think about where we are going from here and how much more we can do.
The 1930's. Even if it was a rough time, I do like focusing on the ones that did escape the Great Depression while living in the United States.
This was the time the film industry was at its best, the time with the arts I like most, the Empire State building was built during that time, and the people that lived through these times were part of the two generations in our country today I like most.
Ancient West/Mid-East through 18th century CE West interests me the most.
That is not to say that I glorify those times. I do not at all. But I do love the music/instruments, artstyles, architectural styles, languages, writing, etc. However, the barbaric notions of ethics/morality, religion-centered societies and governments/hyper-religiousity, sexism, racism, slavery, etc., etc., etc. can all be left in the past, though. (Sadly, it isn't left in the past)
1920 - 1940. Which was a particularly difficult time, obviously, but I find it fascinating with how much happened. It's very interesting to read about it all
1920 - 1940. Which was a particularly difficult time, obviously, but I find it fascinating with how much happened. It's very interesting to read about it all
Late 1960s, most 1970s. Yes I'm a bit of hippie myself and to me it's one of the most interesting periods in modern history to read about, what happened all around the world together with cultural things like music and movies during the time :3
Either WWII or the vast time period when olmecas, aztecs, mayans, etc. lived all across Latin America. Obviously, they all weren't around at the same time, but I find them all interesting enough to where I feel like i should list them together as my favorite.
i guess i only focus on the now, but i like the time period where they could take photos of crimes but hardly ever solve them. thats just my fascination of unsolved mysteries tho
I like the archaic period of Greece (around 8th - 5th century bc), mostly due to their teachings in mythology and also just because I find the readings and theories of the philosophers that emerged during that time to be really interesting.