So; Story time. Kyle recently moved into my town, and I didn't know what to expect. When he moved in, I visited his house, and I HATED it. (Keep in mind he had just moved in and I hadn't seen his furniture, just the boxes) He had some ramshackle exteriors and I was kinda like I MUST MOVE HIM OUT. But once the furniture was all in place (ITS ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BASICALLY) and I talked to him more, I realized we have a lot in common. He's a smug wolf with a love for rock and roll clothes and musical furniture and I'm now really glad he's in my town
Character-wise, I would say I'm like a mix between Bob and Rover. However since this is about villagers only, I'd say I am a lot like Bob (who is coincidentally my favourite character). Me and him have a lot in common: we're both lazy, we really like eating food, we both have the kiddie set as our favourite furniture set, we both like playing video games (it was mentioned in his e-reader card) and we both like the N64 logo (as evidenced by the N64 logo in his N64/GCN house).
I'd say I'm a combination of the four male villager personalities, but I really relate to Eugene (who is also my favorite NL villager), due to our love of music (I know that seems to be a smug trait, but it seems more predominate in some of them).