Which villager creeps you out?

. Rarity .

A Beautiful Heart 🌌💎
Oct 14, 2020
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Fancy Kitty Plush
Dino Plush
There are tons of villagers, but some that others find cute, but you find a little on the creepy side

I found Cole creepy until I drew him, now I don't find him very creepy. Also Coco, until I had her on my island. The one that does creep me out is Bones, that dog everyone loves

Hes kinda cute, but when I see him, his head kinda looks like a skull to me, with how his eyes look, kinda like eye holes, hes white, his name is bones. I personally find him really creepy,

So any villager you find a bit creepy? But others might find to be adorable, or like.
Edit: I dont find any of them ugly, just find bones creepy that's all.. sorry if it came out that I thought he was ugly 😓
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I don’t think there is such think as a horrible villager: one since their dialogue is the same and two just because I don’t like a villager, it doesn’t mean that no one else likes them either.

But there are some villagers that have creeped me out.

In NL: Keaton said the following and since then, never cared for him. Don’t like his design either. To me, he always had a flirty vibe or tone when he said stuff.


In New Horizons: I haven’t met that many villagers yet, but based on their designs (mostly since I don’t like them): Pietro - I see his charm and he may be kinda growing on me, but I don’t like clowns (in spite never meeting one) or the clown getup. He doesn’t creep me out a lot. He deserved a mention though since clowns do creep me out.

All the villagers with lipstick or heavy eye shadow. this is just more because I just don’t like the designs.

I love Cole but I admit he can be maybe a bit creepy - don’t have him but by looking at him. Personally not creeped out by Coco too much (okay, maybe a little but I’ve talked to her and don’t get creepy vibes). Stitches also because of his eyes, but again does not give me creepy vibes when I talk to him.

I’ll post again if I can think of any others.
I don’t think there is such think as a horrible villager: one since their dialogue is the same and two just because I don’t like a villager, it doesn’t mean that no one else likes them either.

But there are some villagers that have creeped me out.

In NL: Keaton said the following and since then, never cared for him. Don’t like his design either. To me, he always had a flirty vibe or tone when he said stuff.

In New Horizons: I haven’t met that many villagers yet, but based on their designs (mostly since I don’t like them): Pietro - I see his charm and he may be kinda growing on me, but I don’t like clowns (in spite never meeting one) or the clown getup. He doesn’t creep me out a lot. He deserved a mention though since clowns do creep me out.

All the villagers with lipstick or heavy eye shadow. this is just more because I just don’t like the designs.

I love Cole but I admit he can be maybe a bit creepy - don’t have him but by looking at him. Personally not creeped out by Coco too much (okay, maybe a little but I’ve talked to her and don’t get creepy vibes). Stitches also because of his eyes, but again does not give me creepy vibes when I talk to him.

I’ll post again if I can think of any others.
Yeah, I have to agree on the ones with tons of make up. I dont find them ugly (I don't find any villager ugly) but definitely aren't for me lol
I mean, I personally like "creepy" things if you're talking like Halloween/spooky stuff (Halloween is my favorite holiday and I'm a horror writer). So I like Coco (she's grown on me since I was a kid, when she scared me- now I see her as "creepy but in a good way") and Lucky is awesome (his ACNH house is so perfect, I love it 😂) I'd actually like more creepy villagers in that regard (I... can't see the skull thing with Bones, sorry- he just looks like a stereotypical dog to me)

BUT Alice and Barold creep me out. For Alice, it's just the mouth- I love the rest of her design, but I just can't get past the mouth (give her a shy smile, a 3 shaped mouth, ANYTHING else and I'd love her). And for Barold it's the... everything, TBH. His design is too human and his mouth bothers me in a similar way to Alice's, but the rest of his face just makes it worse. He's the one villager that legit grosses me out. But I know he's got at least a small fan following- to each their own!
(I'd... say why the mouths bug me, but I don't wanna risk ruining it for anyone else 😅 Though I'm also curious if anyone else sees it...)

Also, Zucker's design was confusing to me for awhile, but when I found out it was based on a cooked octopus dish his design went from "weird but cute" to "just a bit too weird for me". It's a shame, 'cause I love the octopus villagers, but I just don't want him on my island.

Also, Kabuki scared me as a kid. Had NO idea why his design was so weird and frightening and why his name was so weird. I get it now, but I still don't care for him. Tabby's face also weirds me out. I had her for ages in one of the early games (I think the GC one?) and thought she was super ugly. Also, I still remember the day when I went "Wait... Tabby's a GIRL?" because I thought she was a boy for the longest time. She's grown on me a bit, but still not a favorite of mine.

I think those are the only villagers I find unsettling in some way... though I've got plenty more I just don't like, lol.
I used to think Aurora was a cute villager based on what I'd seen of her when looking at villagers online, though I'd never actually had her in the game. Then one day she turned up at my campsite and while she still seemed quite sweet I wasn't really a fan of her pure black eyes as they seemed too empty and hollow, I was then taken aback to find that when she was surprised her eyes turned red. She probably isn't the creepiest villager around but her empty eyes suddenly turning bright red was enough to make me run away from her and never look back.
There are tons of villagers, but some that others find cute, but you find a little on the creepy side

I found Cole creepy until I drew him, now I don't find him very creepy. Also Coco, until I had her on my island. The one that does creep me out is Bones, that dog everyone loves

Hes kinda cute, but when I see him, his head kinda looks like a skull to me, with how his eyes look, kinda like eye holes, hes white, his name is bones. I personally find him really creepy,

So any villager you find a bit creepy? But others might find to be adorable, or like.

Heh,there was another TBT member a while back who was creeped out by that pink blotch around Bones' nose.I think they said it looked like raw skin.Rocket is probably the only villager that looks creepy to me.When I was a kid a couple of guys were in the news because they claimed that they were abducted by aliens and the drawings they made of the alleged aliens had long arms and a pointy head like Rocket.Eh,she might be alright if she didn't have to wear that helmet all the time.
Okay, for me the creepiest one so far has been Merry. I wanted her on my island so badly for a long time and when I finally got her, I got creeped out by the way she never makes eye contact. I felt like she kept looking up at something behind me, like she should see right through me and at something else, something supernatural…and i know that’s silly and it’s just a game but it gave me a shivers up my spine every time i talked to her. I mean, pretty much any villager that doesn’t make eye contact can have that effect on me.

The other creepy villager is Julia The ostrich. I think the feathers that stick out the back of her head look like tentacles and they severely disgust me…especially the way they shake and wiggle slightly every time she moves. Urghghgh it’s giving me flashbacks just writing this 😭
Okay, for me the creepiest one so far has been Merry. I wanted her on my island so badly for a long time and when I finally got her, I got creeped out by the way she never makes eye contact. I felt like she kept looking up at something behind me, like she should see right through me and at something else, something supernatural…and i know that’s silly and it’s just a game but it gave me a shivers up my spine every time i talked to her. I mean, pretty much any villager that doesn’t make eye contact can have that effect on me.
You may have just sold me on her
None of them really creep me out. Coco used to freak me out because she reminded me of a creepy glitch I got in AC GameCube once as a kid that terrified me. Then when I was trying to get my boyfriend into ACNH with me, he saw her design and loved it, so I got her for our island and she quickly grew on me.

Limberg and Coach don't creep me out, per se, but I find their designs very off-putting. Same with most of the gorillas.
lucy used to creep me out because she sorta reminds me of those awful raggedy ann dolls. she's since grown on me though and i wouldn't mind having her on my island sometime lol.
I stumbled across Clay on a desert island and ran away as quickly as I could!

Marshal got booted as soon as we had the option - the big void where a nose should be creeped me out.

But the worst has to be Zucker and his awful deep-fried octo-zombie head, soulless eyes and...sauce. Bleurgh.
Judy's facial reactions can be creepy at times.

Naomi bothers me for some unknown reason.

Apple. There's always that feeling of murderous intent behind those eyes.
Don't ask me why, the guy just creep me out since City Folk.

Every time he appears i'm like... AHHHH!!! GET PUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!!! (Well, maybe not like that but he still creeps me out).
Its Pietro I don't like his creepy clown look. Yes I know I am one of those people who really didn't like clowns.