My absolute best friend in my town would have to be Twiggy, who's one of my starting villagers. It felt like a real girls' night when she would invite me over to her place or when she would insist that I invite her over to my place. Twiggy made me feel included because she would constantly give me gifts because she wanted me to be trendy with her. She was also the first to give me a nickname.
Pietro and Papi! :3 I'm still working on a good friendship with my other dreamies that I now have, as I haven't had them for very long so I don't have a strong one yet.
In my old town it was Biff and Rodeo! Those guys rocked and I love them so much! :3
I'm pretty close to most of my villagers, but my bff would probably would have to be Gaston. He's one of my original villagers and I've grown to love him a lot.
Pecan would probably be my other bff. Not gonna lie, when I first got the game, I was going through some rough times and there was something she said shortly after she moved in that actually helped me feel better. It was some deep stuff rofl.
I'm sure... Pancetti is my very best. Everyday she visits me at home. Send me letters and is lovely. Apollo is a good one too, but he's a cranky. Crankys don't say how much they like you. xD ♪
At the moment, I think it's Stinky. I know that a lot of people don't really like him because he may not be the cutest villager in the world, but I really like his derpy name, and I also love the jock villagers ( I have four of them in my town at the moment D: ). A close runner up would probably be Katt though - once again, not the cutest cat in the world to most people but definitely a fun villager - at least in my opinion!
I'm sure... Pancetti is my very best. Everyday she visits me at home. Send me letters and is lovely. Apollo is a good one too, but he's a cranky. Crankys don't say how much they like you. xD ♪
my girl molly! she's one of my original villagers from when I first moved into my town.
she's always asking me to catch bugs for her and now her house is full of them haha
Aroura has been in my town for 2 years. Her house is fairly close to mine. She's always the one that drops in unannounced when I'm in my house. She's a normal personality, so she's very nice. I usually say that Vladimir is my favorite, but I really think that Aroura is more special to me.
In my previous town, Peggy was my BFF haha. She was one of my starters and was with me till the end. In my new town I don't have a BFF yet... although I really enjoy speaking with Stitches, Gayle, and Molly. I don't have a peppy villager.
Lily. She's been my favorite since I had the original Animal Crossing on GameCube. She moved away, and I stopped playing- pointless. Now, you at least can deny when they say they're thinking of moving, so I'm hooked back on the series again!