Which villager's house would you like to decorate?


I just know that I won't see his Amiibo card until the very last wave or something. T_T

I might settle for Molly or Kiki though.

I'd have to say Felicity the cat!
I'd make her house look really classy, she's a classy cat.
Gulliver is not a villager but I would loove to design his house. I'll mix the ocean theme & all kinds of stuff he found when he traveled the world.

butttt he's not even confirmed to be one of the NPCs for the amiibo cards just yet. oh well. one can only hope
Can you add any K.K. slider song to their house now? I think I'd give some more fitting songs like Space K.K. for Ruby.
Can you add any K.K. slider song to their house now? I think I'd give some more fitting songs like Space K.K. for Ruby.

I think you can!

As for me, I want to be able to decorate Alli's house! She's been a favorite of mine since we share the same name. And since they already brought back one old character, I really wonder who else is coming back! I'd love to see some characters that didn't make it past the GameCube version.
I would love to decorate Ankhas and Skye's house for the soul fact that they are my top two favorite villagers and I love the concept of their houses especially Ankhas! She will rule everyone one day just watch ^.^
Merengue and Coco.
i think both would have great houses, like they do in acnl, and i would probably change the song in Coco's house (K.K. Dirge)
I think I will actually miss having some awful villagers with this new system. Fortunately I can still buy their cards and tap them in.

For example, one of my least favorite villagers is Jambette. I wonder if I can design her house into a murder scene or death trap... lol.

But all jokes aside, I really want to design Erik's house and fill it with skiing related things like the mountain vista wallpaper, ski set, etc. Also imagine him wearing a fluffy pom-pom beanie. :blush:
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Normal villager; Definitely Stitches! But other important character would probably be Digby! I want to see him be happy and outside of the rain that hes always in!
Kiki + some npc's

Yea, I don't really care about villagers since I care more about knowing their sense of style than designing their home. We don't really know any of the NPC's sense of style so I'm pretty excited to design their houses so I can see what they look like. Luna, Joan and Pascal are probably my top three NPC's that have been revealed so far.
Pietro, I love pietro so much but his house should have more colourful wallpaper and flooring.