Well, let's see...
- Rolf and Rudy reminds me a lot of Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones, while Lionel kinda reminds me of how Rhys Jones looks like nowadays.
- Eugene looks like the AC version of John Belushi a.k.a. Jake from the Blues Brothers.
- Lopez kinda reminds me of Rowan Atkinson, however Anchovy literally looks like Mr. Bean as a bird.
- Monique looks like Marilyn Monroe, but I read somewhere that her design is inspired by her.
- Olaf instantly reminded me of Michael Jackson the first time I saw him, hence why I call him ever since then the "Michael Jackson anteater".
- I don't know why, but Hippeux looks for me like Benedict Cumberbatch. I saw a lot of people however saying he looks like Shrek.
- Also, speaking of Bud, he reminds me more of Guy Fieri than Jim Jones tbh.
Celebrities besides, Nana reminds me of an old school classmate I hated (since she was a bully), even the name is almost identical. And when I think about it, Norma looks a bit like my neighbor, who's a friendly old lady.