which villagers remind you of someone irl?

Does fictional character count? I think Poppy of Maria from The Sound of Music.

OMGosh! This is so true. I've always thought Poppy reminded me of someone or something and I think it's because she is reminiscent of Maria or Liesl from that musical.
Spike reminds me of @Hobowire. I used to be so intimidated by him (Hobo). I always imagined him to be like Spike, gruff, big tough guy, easy to anger. But, he actually is very chill and kind from what I can tell. I haven’t seen Spike in the game yet, but Spike does give me the same scary vibe appearance vibe, but knowing how the crankies are in the game, he too probably is chill :).
not a person but lolly looks like my best friend's cat and she and said friend share a birthday! serendipity
Teddy reminds me of my friend Matt. He's super nice and he does jujitsu and he's tall. He also laughs like Teddy. If I give Teddy some square frame glasses he will look like my friend Matt. 💕🧸💕
There’s a villager who shares a name with my former best friend... she’s never allowed on my island because her design is similar to this girl’s style IRL. Unfortunately we had a terrible falling out, so I have bad associations with the villager :(
Well, Marina reminds me of one of my friends. They love reading, are extremely kind, and love sweaters!
Cherry reminds me of my best friend Frankie. SUPER emo, would most definitely have a skull carpet, has dyed their hair red at one point, has spider-web clothing items, and they would be a sisterly villager if they were in animal crossing. Cherry has grown on me just because she's just the animal crossing version of one the closest friends I've had.

Maple also sort of reminds me of my older sister, now that i'm thinking about it. Probably cause i'm starting to get slight cottage-core vibes from her (and the fact that her island is cottage core)
eugene also reminds me of the entire biker's side from teen beach movie but we're not going to talk about that

Peggy reminds me of my mother. Not in a mean way, but she has the same haircolor and haircut
and when I saw Peggy for the first time, the first things I thought about was my Mother :D
- Dobie reminds me of Clint Eastwood a lil
- Gaston is obviously Ron Swanson
- Hazel = Frida Kahlo
- Murphy... Brock from Pokémon
- Olaf! Michael Jackson
- Truffles is Peppa Pig
- Violet makes me think of my grandma. In a good way
Beardo reminds of me of stand up comedian Paul F. Tompkins, especially during his Speakeasy days when he would dress like that.
Apollo reminds me of Mr. Carson from Downton Abbey (it's the nose and puffed up chest).
Marshal kind of looks like Ahn Sohee from the Wonder Girls.

Broccolo looks like my cousin when he was young (same haircut and his fave color was light blue).
Joey looks like this dude I went to high school with (same eyebrows and small eyes).
Carmen reminds me of my best friend. Carmen was one of her dreamies in New Leaf and from then a lightbulb went off in my head that she kind of looks like her and her favorite color is green! She doesn't have Carmen in New Horizons though but I will always think of my bff when I see Carmen.