1. John Wolfe - he mainly does horror playthroughs and showcases indie games. I really like how mature and genuine he is, and he's a good source for obscure horror games.
2. Ashley Ippolito - she has 3 channels, but I only follow her music reaction and TV reaction ones. I love finding new music through passionate people or just seeing them discover good songs for the first time. Her TV reactions are new, but her editing and humor are fantastic.
3. Trophy Muncher - again someone who reacts to TV shows. I just really enjoy reliving old TV shows or getting short versions of shows I couldn't commit to, and for him in particular I just really love that he really gets into any shows he sticks with and that he can admit to liking someone or when he has an actual unpopular opinion. I can always understand where he's coming from and I appreciate his viewpoint.
4. Todd in the Shadows - he does pop songs reviews and covers one hit wonders and trainwreck albums. I've been following him for a long time and I appreciate his insight and genuine interest in pop music as well as oldies. I often rewatch his old content because it's just structured so well, I'd definitely recommend his newer pop song reviews they're always a lot of fun.
5. Pretty Much It - they mostly do complete audio commentary for a lot of shows and movies for pay, but they upload highlights to YouTube and they're incredibly funny. I tried their free tracks for stuff on Netflix and they're genuinely funny all the way through.
Those are the five channels I watch the most videos from currently. I usually follow people for being funny and just genuinely good while their content comes second, but I guess I just love funny but genuine commentary on media.