My favorite Eagle villager is Sterling because of his knight design. He's a resident in one of my New Leaf towns alongside Knox and I love both of them.
Eagles are a strong species for me since I like birds in real life, and as a result I like a bunch of these villagers. Amelia, Apollo, Avery, Buzz, and Keaton are all great. Heck, I like Celia and Pierce too, just not as much as the others listed prior.
My least favorite Eagle is, by process of elimination, Frank. I like his green coloration with the yellow and red accents, but I don't really like the "eyebrow" and undereye patterning. Just doesn't work for me.
Apollo is my favourite, his design may be a little plain but it gives him the greatest resemblance to a real eagle (bald eagle) and he’s such a classic character of the series, plus I like the cranky personality and he’s one of the better villagers with it.
My least favourite would probably have to be Sterling, mainly for the same reason I disliked Knox the chicken, I’m just not a fan of default hats/helmets on villagers. Also jock is one of my least favourites of the personalities so that doesn’t really help.
Best : Pierce !!! My all time favorite villager. He is so cute and looks like he will have your back no matter what happens, he has become more brainless for every iteration though. Sad.
It’s hard to choose between Avery and Buzz for me. Buzz has lived in my gamecube town for years now so I’ll go with him. His design is plain but I like how angry he looks.
Celia is my ultimate favourite Eagle. She just looks so classy and cute, I love her colour scheme, and her house too. I had her as one of my first five villagers and I want her to return at some point with her proper interior!
Least favourite..honestly none. The eagles are all great!
Best: Apollo
The bald eagle design is simple but great.
Avery was on my island so I came to like him more. Buzz, Sterling and Pierce have really good designs as well. I like Amelia's design, the red goes really well with the black and white. Frank and Keaton look like parrots which is neat.
Worst?: Celia
Everything about her would be great...except for the green. The green really does clash with the white for me.
I don’t really like the eagles, and so many of them seem to be cranky, which is my least favorite personality type.
however, I saw pierce on an island and he looks quite cute, with his worried expression, and I like the high little voice the jocks have.
I chose buzz too, because I like his look, with the warm coloring.
least favorites (saying worst feels weird to me, cause it’s just my opinion) are Sterling and Apollo. I really don’t like villagers with helmets on, or who are medieval/ royalty themed. And as for Apollo, I don’t know why I just very strongly dislike him. It probably isn’t his fault. But along with Diana he is one of the villagers I most strongly dislike, probably because his popularity means he shows up screen caps and pictures a lot, so I see him more, increasing my negative feelings.
he is a bald eagle, not an American eagle btw, I don’t think there is such a species.
I voted for Avery. I just like him. Haven't had him though. The only Eagle I have had was Apollo and he's great too.
Others I hope to meet are Buzz and Amelia.
Worst, I'll have to go with Frank. There are already multiple crankies, and his design is the least appealing to me. Sorry Frank.
Aww poor Frank doesn’t have any votes! I had to look him up to see what he looked like. He’s pretty cool he’s green. I personally like Celia and Apollo, Celia because I think she has a pretty design and Apollo because he reminds me of the Animal Crossing movie which is super cute especially if you have him and Whitney. I think the Eagles are pretty cool and get looked over a lot in places villager types like cubs or deer or the dogs, and even though I personally don’t have an eagle villager I would not be opposed to having one on my island
Sterling and Celia are my favourite eagles. People really do be forgetting about Quetzal, though. I know he isn't in the game, but I feel bad for him being left out lol.
Sterling is my favorite! I had him in my town for a while and I loved everything about him: his look, his knight theme, his house, his attitude. He was a really great villager. The only thing was that I had to try to keep him in his default shirt because other shirts looked so bad with his helmet. I normally don't mind my villagers changing up their look once in a while, but not him.
Honorable mention goes to Avery. I've never had him as a villager, which is why I didn't vote for him, but he looks really cool.
All of the eagles look nice to me, though. I don't have a least favorite.
Honestly I think all of the eagles have pretty cool designs, since a lot of them are based on actual bird species.
My favorites are Pierce, Amelia, Sterling, and Avery. Pierce has a beautiful color combo that reminds me of a sea eagle, Amelia's is cool because she's based on a Crested Caracara, Sterling has such a creative design with his knight getup, and Avery is pretty cool for his Southwestern-inspired design.
I think my least favorites would have to be Buzz/Apollo. Not because they have bad designs, but just because I find them a little bland personally speaking.
I really, really dislike the eagle villagers. I don't like how big and bulky they are, and I don't like how the majority of them are cranky (same problem I have with the wolves. No variety whatsoever) Of course, the exceptions are Skye, Kyle and Audie, and in terms of eagles, we have Celia, Amelia (thankfully and surprising the only snooty) and Keaton the smug. Then there are the jocks Pierce and Sterling.
Going by who I tolerate the most, the best are Amelia, Celia and Pierce. The red coloring on Amelia's face is very attractive, Celia has a motherly design, and Pierce is a nice shade of blue and I like the zig-zag pattern of his wings.
Worst are Apollo (overrated as all sin) Sterling (hated him so much in ACCF for always moving in randomly in almost all my towns) Frank (why does he look so ugly for such a vividly-colored eagle?) and Keaton (cool name, horrid design)
My votes go for Apollo and Amelia. They are the most realistic villagers and I appreciate their design. Amelia is on the list for villagers I’d consider inviting.
The worst would be Frank. I’m just not fond of his design.
They're all ugly, I hate eagles irl. But I voted for Apollo for having the most normal design and Celia because I actually kind of like the weird make-up-y look most everyone else seems to hate.