Who delivers the mail in ACNH?

Maybe it's Lyle, who worked back in New Leaf for the Happy Home Program and just became now one of these unseen characters in NH.

Speaking of him, this kinda reminds me of that one comic:

Coming back to the thread's topic, I would say either Orville or Wilbur taking care about the letters. I would have said Pete, but he probably stayed with Pelly and Phyllis, wherever they are now.

He worked for them as far back as City Folk actually. :)
I always assumed Timmy and Tommy did, since Tom Nook seems to be the one managing the island and I feel like giving his nephews mail duty would be something he would do. lol
Loving the theories you guys are coming up with XD I think it is better if we dont know, keep it a mystery and make up legends about it.
My head-canon is that its either Wilbur, Orville or both who deliver the mail. Its why we can only get 5 pieces of mail per day, because they're pilots, not professional mail handlers. They don't know, understand, or care about the logistics of sorting, processing and delivering mail, at least not the way the pelicans do. Anyways, yeah that's my head-canon. I'm just trying to understand why we went from being able to process 30 pieces of mail twice a day to only 5 at once, and that's the best I could come up with. 😬
Dodo airlines brings mail in and out of the island. Its orville who asks if you want to send a letter and takes your postage fee.
Dodo mail
He worked for them as far back as City Folk actually. :)
Ah, right! Totally forgot that he already had a different job in CF. I had his old job as an insurance agent in mind and thought he still worked as one in CF too. It's been a while since I played that game. 😅
It's really hard to tell because the game didn't give us any clues. I would rather have Isabelle deliver it to me though.
I guess its Wilbur that delivers the mail considering the fact that Pete is nowhere to be found in the game. Kinda disrespectful because every AC game had a post office but for whatever reason they replaced it with a card stand at the airport.

I think the reason for the card stand is because initially it's a tourist spot, but in my opinion once your island becomes a real home, they should add a post office somewhere, even if it's inside the air port. I miss Pelly, in all honesty. I mean, I even kind of miss Phyllis. I miss her grumbly personality. I miss grumbly personalities in general.