Who else can't wait?

MEEE! I'm really excited for this game. Designing homes was always my favourite thing to do.

Also I haven't been on in forever... Hello.
Personally, I'm actually more excited about the card-collecting rather than the game to be honest =P I just like the appeal and having all of a series would look really cool together.
Excited, really excited, but I can wait. I first thought "Wow, AC:NL isn't brand new!" and had mixed feelings because I like when games are traditional, but then came to the conclusion that the series would have to and should branch out into different kinds of games. It still sticks to its purpose of being beautiful, fun, and full of options to customize, et cetera, as it should be. I'm curious on how the whole game operates. I still have two big novels to read, a load of unrelated shopping to do, and much more. May preorder it. That'll be a treat.

Cards and an external amiibo reader though? Who knows.
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still never really understood why people originally thought you had to buy the amiibo cards to play the game lol

maybe because when they revealed/advertised the game for the first time they showed us the cards before the game? at least that's what I remember, it was from a nintendo direct
I'm excited to be sure, but I can wait until the release with no problems. I work so much that I don't get a ton of free time anyway, and I just restart my town again in New Leaf so I have plenty to do, not to mention all the other games I have to play. Don't get me wrong, I wish this game was coming out sooner, but I don't mind waiting either. It will be here before I even realize how much time has passed.
Me too! I can't wait. :) Unfortunately, I have to wait until end of Sept (I'm usa), so I am hoping all you users in Japan will fill us in on what it's like.
stop crying, I've to freaking wait until october.
Oh wait, I realize now that I'm going to have to wait even longer since my local store won't even have it on the release date since I live in this hole of a village. Those Japanese and Americans are going to make me horny for months by putting up erotica (ACHHD-content) all over youtube.
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I also have to wait until October. But now I'm really looking forward to playing this, since I saw Flurry was being released as a card.
2 of my other dreamies were announced previously, but just knowing there will be card of Flurry has really upped the excitement!
im super excited too! sadly im canadian so usually everything is delayed here, i probably won't see it in stores until late october.. if i order it online it will still arrive a couple weeks after the release date.
I'm pretty excited, but I'm gonna try to avoid spoilers from the japanese version