Who is the best sisterly villager?


Katt and Deirdre are my favorite ucherlys.I didn't expect to like them as much as I do.
I quite like the sisterly personality (it's a breath of fresh air to have a neighbour who isn't unfailingly nice to me all the time!) but yeah...it's slim pickings where design is concerned, imo. It's for this reason that I'll probably never let go of Deirdre, but I have a soft spot for Mira and Pashmina as well.
i am definitely biased but i recommend fuchsia! i’ve had her on my island for a while now and not only is she adorable in my eyes, she’s overall just wonderful to have around! her house is really nice (both outside and inside) and the fact that her catchphrase is “precious” makes my heart warm 💖. but if she’s not your cup of tea, either, i would also 100% recommend deirdre, katt, frita or agnes! i definitely agree that not many of the uchi villagers are very appealing but i hope you’ll be able to find one that you like and enjoy having around! ^_^
Yeah I'm not a huge fan of the sisterly villagers either. I do however like Frita, Reneigh and Muffy.
I’m going with Cherry. This is biased though as I’m obsessed with dogs though!
(Also known as uchi)

Try as I might, I just can't find one I like.
For the most part they all just look either ugly or generic.

I've had some like cherry or ursala that I've kinda liked but didn't feel all that much for.

You know how sometimes villagers just click with you and you never want them to leave? Yeah never had that with one of them.

I really wish they had more than 20ish to chose from.

Who is your go to for them?

I love Reneigh and Muffy. I like the horses and Reneigh has a great design. Her house is pretty too and goes with a variety of themes. Muffy is perfect for a gothic island.
Fuschia was my starter Uchi and we got along okay but she caused so many arguments on my island that I had to get rid of her. She ended up really putting me off Uchi villagers.

I decided to try one more time however when I found Agnes on a Mystery Island. I like to have different species on my island and I didn’t have a pig. Agnes has converted me totally and is now one of permanent and favourite villagers. She’s really sweet and very funny.
Deirdre is my favvvv :D I love how her colouring is so natural. Her little white lips and such, just like an actual deer! And she has really cute eyes, I like them better than Fauna's (her eyelashes don't really do it for me)
I have phobe and luv her my hubby has fuschia and can’t imagine his island without her.
I don't like too many of the sisterly villagers. Some that are okay to me are Agnes, Fuchsia, and Cherry. I would also like Phoebe if she didn't have a weird lava house, I can't look past the weird house.

But the best sisterly villager is FLO.
flo pic.jpeg

I love her design, I think her eye-makeup look makes her look sassy and adorable. And she's purple so that's always cute. I feel like almost every time I go and talk to her she's holding a donut which is such a mood. She's only been on my island for a couple months but I already love her so much 🥺
Currently I have Fuchsia living on my island and I really like her! Her colour palette is a bit strong and took getting used to but now I love her! I also considered getting Tammy.
I've decided who I'm having for my newest sisterly now.
I'm going to give pashmina a try.
So far I'm pretty happy with her.
I like Muffy and Agnes the most. I had them both in my New Leaf town and I've currently have Muffy on my island. Wouldn't mind getting Agnes once again too.
i'm also not a huge fan of a lot of the uchi villager designs, but i think my number one would have to be ursala! i've never had her before but she was one of my first villagers and i absolutely loved her. reneigh is pretty cute too imo
I have had both Phoebe and Deirdre, and love them both. Both are well designed, and each has a stellar house (lava house for Phoebe, woodland for Deirdre).
I currently have pashmina she is one of my favorites for design, and her home fits perfectly with my island (and Lollys) but I also have a soft spot for Agnes, and phoebes tail lol